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01-30-2015, 05:44 PM #7
Now, after some experimentation, I got the formula for the size of the fabric down pat and used some fabric sticky-tape to create some 'Bags' of sorts! They will go over the racks and spare scales, dessicant.
Then, some arranging, fluffing, folding, and prodding at least gave the razors a decent place to lie!
Nice to have this project completed. Ton's of hours in it. Still need to hone most. While the blades are not all perfect, they all have nice geometry and are, of course, by great makers. I don't anticipate any issues getting all to shave good.
I figure a few a week and I will have them humming soon!
Thanks for looking!
Tom"Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
I rest my case.
The Following 23 Users Say Thank You to sharptonn For This Useful Post:
10Pups (03-21-2015), Bram (02-12-2015), cheetahmeatpheonix (03-20-2015), ChopperDave (03-23-2015), Geezer (01-31-2015), HARRYWALLY (02-07-2015), Hirlau (01-31-2015), JoelLewicki (02-01-2015), Martin103 (01-30-2015), MattCB (01-31-2015), MJC (02-07-2015), mollzo (04-19-2015), Neil Miller (02-09-2015), Phrank (03-23-2015), Pringr (02-13-2015), randydance062449 (03-02-2015), RoobtheLoob (02-14-2015), silverloaf (03-24-2015), Tarkus (01-30-2015), Trimmy72 (01-30-2015), Voidmonster (02-09-2015), Wirm (02-11-2015), Wolfpack34 (01-31-2015)