I was initially really excited when I saw the teasers but it is the same old and tired Reality Show Competition format and, while it is kind of neat to be in the position of a fly in the wall, you just learn almost nothing of value.

What is interesting is the affect/disposition of the Judges... Faces flushed, exuberant and desmonstrative postures and gestures... I guess that could be contrived but it is possible that the Staff are just unable to translate that energy/interest to the screen. ??

Hoped for more but the descriptions of blades during testing leaning toward the dramatic is just distracting... Describing an edge as effective then including some specific or historical details rather than as ".. a killer.." is evidently too much to ask.

I plan on continuing to watch simply in the hopes that Version 2.0 and beyond will be better rather than the whole deal just fading away.