Here is a project that I have been tinkering with here and there. Overall I am happy with it. I need to spend some more time on the hones to fully refine the edge but I did shave with it and it shaved well in my opinion. I'm thinking about redoing the handle and wrapping it with something, I haven't made up my mind yet. I do realize that the hamon line is pretty low. I didn't intend on this as the adhesive was not applied that low on the blade so I really don't know what occurred, but live and learn. I still have some clean-up to do on it but I became inpatient and could wait to put an edge on it and shave. I find that the hardest thing for me to do it continue to be patient through the entire build. I too often begin rushing the end because I get excited (and usually screw something up!) The specs on this are:

Steel - 1/4 in. 1095 from admiral steel
Width- 7/8
Grind - 1/4 hollow
Blade length - 2.5 inches
Overall Length - Just over 6 in.

I tried to twist the tang and it turned out okay, not what I envisioned but I can live with it. Feedback (all types) is always welcome.

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