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Thread: LeCoultre questions

  1. #11
    Veteran OldTraf's Avatar
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    Just had another shave with the LeCoultre, after a few trips to the carborundum strop, horsehide strop, linen and latigo strop and some more on the short paddle plain leather, it did a very good job on half the face WTG and ATG. Had just finished a Genco about 4/8 for my grandson. I had given him a 6/8 M. Jung for his Bar Mitzvah, but it is too large for him now. It still needs more time on the strops, but it gave an unbloody shave WTG and ATG. Not as close as the LeCoultre but not rough on the face.

    The round toothpick sounds good, but right now I have only flats and a 750 count box.
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  2. #12
    Veteran OldTraf's Avatar
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    Had a shave yesterday with the Genco. After five rounds on the strops, as above, it is sharper than my LeCoultre. It gave a near BBS, but although I eased the Spike point it was rough one the left side of my Adam's apple. That is why I prefer the shape of the LeCoultre, any of the old stubbies, and a French head. Pictures once I set up for them and that will close the thread.
    Mind the toe, and the heel, 'twill follow.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    I thought I had replied to this the other day............
    That's nice you have your grandson shaving with a straight also, keeping up this old tradition in the family.
    Good luck with the Lecoultre & if you need a slew for it sometime, try Richard's advice about the toothpick. A couple weeks ago, a guy had a lot of blades & frames for some French razors w/o scales. There were a couple Lecoultre's in the bunch of about 15-16 in the lot. I didn't bother to bid on them but they sold for $102 with one bid on them.
    Here I have a Fontenille 134 & when I got it, it also had a T.I. removable blade in it. I didn't know T.I. made a razor like that unless they made replacement blades for some razor's back then.

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    Last edited by engine46; 06-19-2016 at 07:08 PM.
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  4. #14
    Veteran OldTraf's Avatar
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    I have a couple of bags of them waiting for attention. The LeCoultre is the only one shave ready. When houseguests leave, will have to bring them to the front of the queue. I know I have at least one TI, one St. Etienne, at least one Fountenille.
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    Mind the toe, and the heel, 'twill follow.

  5. #15
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    I've got a nice LeC with the box, spare blade, and screwdriver...beautiful frame backed razor, of which I'm a huge fan....cleaned up and took a beautiful edge.

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  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by engine46 View Post
    I didn't know T.I. made a razor like that unless they made replacement blades for some razor's back then.
    M. Le Coultre did not patent his razors' features. So...everybody copied them. It also looks like there was one or two shops that made the frames for all and another the did the same for blades. There were copies made in most countries. The real advantage of them was the fairly light weight of having the extra blades when traveling. Much lighter than a 7 day set. That was the age of Imperialism spreading around the globe. The locals in most places did not shave, so a shave was the only way for a heavily tanned official to be set out from them. JMO
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  8. #17
    Veteran OldTraf's Avatar
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    Had a good shave with the LeCoultre. I think I have at least four others stashed away with other makers names. At some time in the future, I have thought that it would be a good idea to make extra blades from some 52100 I have around. They would be a good candidate for stock removal and professional heat treatment.
    Mind the toe, and the heel, 'twill follow.

  9. #18
    Veteran OldTraf's Avatar
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    Nice set. I have never seen a good set on the evil auction site or here on BST. I have even gone through 3000 postings in one sitting on the auction site. Your set does stoke the green monster.
    Mind the toe, and the heel, 'twill follow.

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