I did this repair for Aaron, who may or may not still be hanging around here.
While it did not come out as perfect as I had hoped, I'm still proud of the work.

Wade & Butcher Gentleman's straight razor. I didnt do anything to the blade, it came as is, with a set of creamy colored scales that had suffered a fatal blow at the pivot end.
If you look close you can see the repair line. First the broken pieces were cleaned and old glue repair removed, New Repair made, Scales liners cut out and then epoxied to the Ivory. Nickle bushings installed at pivot. In the future, I will shape liners AFTER glueing! UGG!
Lined with Argentium sterling silver. I wish I had better materials for the washers, but I made do, and I think it came out well. Wedge was a true PITA, and after many failed attempts wound up being rough shape poured resin, and then hand sanded to final fit.
I dont think the scales were original to the blade, nothing wanted to sit correctly, but I think it worked out in the end. Very sturdy and stable.

It took me forever, as the winter was long and cold, and I lost my workshop. but here it is.

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