Nearly a decade ago when I first got into wet shaving, I got excited about the idea of getting a custom made razor made for me, having spent some time on this forum and seeing all the amazing customs that were being made.

Quite ignorantly, I sought out a 9/8ths blade, having never wielded anything larger than the average Dovo straight razor at the time. I decided on the design and had Ken Powell make the razor for me and he crafted a beautiful razor.

There was just one big problem (pun intended): it's way too damn big for me. It was my mistake and in no way am I faulting Ken, but the razor is just too big (I'm not a big guy to begin with). I used it only a handful of times and then stored it in my closet after failed attempts to shave with it.

Fast forward many years later and as I was cleaning my place I found the razor and I got the idea of potentially modifying the blade to make it smaller.

Would it be possible to both shorten (length) and decrease the width of the blade? I know it would require a lot of metal grinding, which I know is sacrilege, but if I can use the razor, I'm all for it. I would need new scales as well as they scales are equally massive.

I don't think I can sell the razor as it has my name engraved in the tang. Any advice would be appreciated.

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