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Thread: Modifying Custom Razor

  1. #1
    Senior Member animalwithin's Avatar
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    Default Modifying Custom Razor

    Nearly a decade ago when I first got into wet shaving, I got excited about the idea of getting a custom made razor made for me, having spent some time on this forum and seeing all the amazing customs that were being made.

    Quite ignorantly, I sought out a 9/8ths blade, having never wielded anything larger than the average Dovo straight razor at the time. I decided on the design and had Ken Powell make the razor for me and he crafted a beautiful razor.

    There was just one big problem (pun intended): it's way too damn big for me. It was my mistake and in no way am I faulting Ken, but the razor is just too big (I'm not a big guy to begin with). I used it only a handful of times and then stored it in my closet after failed attempts to shave with it.

    Fast forward many years later and as I was cleaning my place I found the razor and I got the idea of potentially modifying the blade to make it smaller.

    Would it be possible to both shorten (length) and decrease the width of the blade? I know it would require a lot of metal grinding, which I know is sacrilege, but if I can use the razor, I'm all for it. I would need new scales as well as they scales are equally massive.

    I don't think I can sell the razor as it has my name engraved in the tang. Any advice would be appreciated.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    I have a 10/8ths and find no problem shaving with it. Though I don't use it under the snoz, I'm sporting a stache.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Jnatcat's Avatar
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    Having it shortened in length and width will require regrinding and once that’s done the scales remade or reworked so I’m not sure financially if it’s worth the investment

    On a side note it’s a beautiful razor pictured
    BobH, animalwithin and outback like this.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member animalwithin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jnatcat View Post
    Having it shortened in length and width will require regrinding and once that’s done the scales remade or reworked so I’m not sure financially if it’s worth the investment

    On a side note it’s a beautiful razor pictured
    This is true, might end up costing as much as the razor did. It's a beautiful razor and Ken did an amazing job using amazing materials, it's sadly just way too big for me.

    I can shave with it, it's just uncomfortable and clunky and doesn't make for a good shaving experience. Definitely should have ordered a smaller blade

  5. #5
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    I guess if you have a belt grinder and a lot of experience you could try, but I'm strongly leaning towards leaving it alone. That's a beauty!
    I also have a 10/8 and although it's pretty heavy, it's manageable and I have no problem shaving with it.

    If anything, have your name removed from the tang and sell it.

    Pete <:-}
    Last edited by petercp4e; 10-11-2019 at 07:01 PM.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    /It is a nice looking razor. I like big razors myself (the biggest razor i have is a 9/8's). As the others have said it would require someone to regrind it and make new scales to fit. Having said that, the scales kind of look like they might be on the heavy side. Maybe some lighter scales would make it morel manageable?
    animalwithin and outback like this.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I think your most economical option would be to sell the razor as is and order another smaller one. You might also be able to have your name removed from the tang prior to selling but there would be a cost to that too.

    Kees, animalwithin and Jnatcat like this.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Shortening the blade wouldn't be a problem, on the other hand taking the width down would, it will alter the grind and in my opinion, destroy the blade, learn how to shave with a larger razor, there's very little difference between shaving with a 6/8 and 8/8.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member animalwithin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tintin View Post
    /It is a nice looking razor. I like big razors myself (the biggest razor i have is a 9/8's). As the others have said it would require someone to regrind it and make new scales to fit. Having said that, the scales kind of look like they might be on the heavy side. Maybe some lighter scales would make it morel manageable?
    The scales are definitely an issue as well. I'll look into possibly getting new scales, that might help.

    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    I think your most economical option would be to sell the razor as is and order another smaller one. You might also be able to have your name removed from the tang prior to selling but there would be a cost to that too.

    Not sure how much I'd be able to sell it for realistically. Of the few times I used the razor, I accidentally dropped it once which as left the scales in bad shape at one end. Add to that the cost of having my name removed from the tang, I don't see how I could sell the razor for very much. Sadly this has been a disaster from the very beginning.
    BobH and outback like this.

  10. #10
    Senior Member animalwithin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by celticcrusader View Post
    Shortening the blade wouldn't be a problem, on the other hand taking the width down would, it will alter the grind and in my opinion, destroy the blade, learn how to shave with a larger razor, there's very little difference between shaving with a 6/8 and 8/8.
    Hmmm, perhaps getting it shortened with new scales might be the best option? (Still unsure of the cost)
    celticcrusader likes this.

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