Not sure who the previous owner was, or the history behind the blade other than it was abused. The lack of ‘England’ on the tang put it in the mid 1800’s. The imports to the USA after the late 1800’s were required to carry the country of make, not just the region. There was very little hone ware on the razor, it may have seen a stone two or three times but the ware was pretty much nonexistent. I would guess the blade is around 6/8, I don’t have a tape measure handy, it may be a large 6/8 or a small 7/8. I picked it up on eBay probably a year ago. I had a handful of big wedges sitting in the project box waiting for their chance in the sun.

I have another Frederick Reynolds to work on but the original scales are in very good to near perfect condition. I am keeping that one in the original translucent horn scales. It also has a light blade etch and I wish I could salvage it, but it is barely visible. It reads Silver Covered With Steel across the top of the blade. In the middle Manufactured by Frederick Reynolds Sheffield. Across the bottom of the blade Prince Alberts Royal Patent Razor. The blade is not in bad shape but simply using MAAS to try to take of the years of corrosion is not cutting it. I have another wedge that was made here in Philly that I sanded out, it is a smaller 5/8. If I get through all of them I have another Greaves and Son 7/8 chopper to work on.

The photos are bad, took them with my phone. The starting product looked worse and the final (or semi final) product looks better.