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  1. #1
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Rhode Island
    Thanked: 474

    Arrow In Progress: Fileworked Custom

    Here are a couple shots since I haven't posted one in a while. It's basically a western/Japanese style. I have not heat treated it yet. Couple things I am still unhappy with. The last shot is after I threw on the maker's mark- it isn't the greatest photo obviously since I wasn't using the normal camera. Rope pattern filework which is HARD to do well and I'm still trying to get it to my standards. The cutting edge is somewhere between 2" and 3". It is around 5/8 I believe. Balance and weight feel great. Gotta see what happens after heat treat. This was actually a scrap piece that I wanted to try to get another razor out of lol. Don't know what will happen with this one.
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