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Thread: Filarmonica #13 - Doble Temple - Green Abalonecrylic

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  1. #1
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Filarmonica #13 - Doble Temple - Green Abalonecrylic

    The Spanish Filarmonica lover and Paua/Abalonecrylic lover that I am, I couldn't resist but have a big smile on my face when I was asked to rescale this Doble Temple in green Abalone-acrylic.

    This is also a NOS Fil 13 Doble Temple so there really wasn't any work to be done on the blade. The original scales were the light gray plastic ones.

    The scales were put together with a mix of nickel silver rods, brass and SS washers. Tapered Jade Ghost.

    The Fil 13 Doble temple must be one of the smoothest straight shaving razors I own. (together with my Fil 14 EPBD)

    Enjoy and a have a great WK!.

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