Hey guys,
While I was home for Christmas, I went on a bit of an Ebay binge, and picked up some razors that I could do some work on. It is nice to be able to mess with this stuff on the weekends and at night while waiting on calls from the US office.

Anyway, I picked up 2 Palmer Chicago blades for fairly cheap. Unfortunately, I started hand-sanding one of them before I photographed it in all it's tarnished glory, but the other one is still in the shape I received it. The one I have worked on was in worse condition, and still has some pitting. It was getting a bit thin, so I decided to quit while I was ahead. After 3 days of hands-anding, my arm was a bit tired, so I haven't honed it yet. Will get to it tomorrow evening.

Hand sanded from 120 to 2000. I really need to get a buffer. I really want a true mirror finish. Anyway, here they are.

1st night after about 5 hours of sanding:

And finished with comparison to the other blade: