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Thread: Sheffield micrtome restoration

  1. #11
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
    I guess you could do either but it may depend on how confident you are of your grinding skills ie the scales are replaceable but the tang isn't.

    True that, I ended up grinding the scales as grinding the tang would probably have taken forever by hand. The results were good, the blade is now aligned until closing, it still bumps against the scales a bit at then end, but at least the cutting edge is not making contact.

    Thanks a lot for the help everyone! I'm going to proceed honing a bit of a smile onto the blade, that'll probably make future honing easier too.

    BTW, I dind't really understand the Boys to men thing, but I would think you are referring to the band B2M, and in this case the band is "Maskinen" and the album is called "Boys II men" and the song name "Alla som inte dansar". Give it a try, you might like it.

    Alas, my man points have already been deducted. They shall be missed.

    onimaru55 likes this.

  2. #12
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Good going! now you have much to look for on the next one. I am relieved about the b to m thing! Points added and extra credit for getting the blade straight! American Ignorance, I suppose ....get it on......Tom
    Last edited by sharptonn; 08-31-2011 at 07:02 PM.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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