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Thread: Frederick Reynolds in Olive Wood

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    Senior Member
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    Default Frederick Reynolds in Olive Wood

    This short little razor came in an oversized set of plastic scales, the pair being far bigger than the 2” cutting edge required - an obvious retrofit. I decided to steal the plastic scales for another razor and make something that fit the Reynolds a little closer.

    The scales are olive wood finished in several coats of Tru-oil then buffed smooth and coated with wax. Once the razor was fully assembled I gave the scales another light coating of wax. I don’t know if it was the wax or the mineral oil I used to coat the blade steel, but one of the two substances darkened the once snow white bone wedge. I coat my blades with mineral oil and have developed a habit of wiping any excess oil off my hands onto the scales themselves. After this experience, I may rethink this habit. This was my first time working with bone and the discoloration was a disappointment. The razor really did look quite handsome with the snow white wedge – sigh – but overall the off-white wedge isn’t all that terrible looking. Oh well, another lesson learned.

    Thanks for reading. Enjoy.

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