I dig all of those, but many know I'm a sucker for shell, so those really catch my eye.

The seams of abalone appear nonexistant. Almost as if made from one piece of shell. The other seams with out the silver border look tight too.

I also like the silver treatment between the seams. Adds a nice accent. The turquoise and MOP I would have been hesitant to do, but it looks like a natural fit. Breaks up the all MOP, adding a neat focal point.

Love to see more angles of the black mop. I know how hard it is to capture in a pic. That type of shell has all those lovely greens and pinks, with the black and white. Suspect you can hold it in hand, twisting to look at from different angles, mesmerized by all sorts of color changes.

Don't know how you had time to get these done. Between summer stuff, visiting Robert Williams great to see you could get these out too. Thanks for doing them and sharing the pics