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  1. #1
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    Default Father's Day Gift-New (old) Razor!

    My sixteen year old son gave me a 5/8 Geo. Wostenholm & Son pipe razor for father's day. I was most excited that he konws me well enough to get me a straight. I know he picked it up from a local antique store, and I'm guessing he paid twenty-some dollars for it based on his budget. It looks like it's been reground, it has some funky, in a cool way, wood scales where the pin at the toe looks like a big brass button, and about 1/4 in of the toe of the razor has been cut or ground out, so it has a nice spike point. The blade otherwise looks great. So I was finally able to go to the hones last night to get it shave ready. After about an hour the bevel was set on a 4k, then I did a progression from there up to a 12k Naniwa, followed by some serious stropping. My son watched me this morning as I gave it the test shave. YEAH! BBS on a multi-directional shave, with no irritation or discomfort. Against the grain on my chin was a breaze. (my beard is very heavy, reminds me of barbed wire) I am so exited, and now this razor will be added to a rotation of 4 razors.

    Not sure if this is the correct thread for this. The bevel just was not there, but now it is. My plan is to leave it as is.

    So, I'll say thanks here for this site, and for people like Glenn and Lynn, whose videos have been a huge help for me.
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    Last edited by IamSt8ght; 06-23-2012 at 01:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    That's one fine son you have there, my friend. And a really nice Wosty for your rotation. Congratulations!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Silents's Avatar
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    Very nice! And you have a son to be envied!

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