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Thread: JR Torrey and a Swede

  1. #1
    Just a guy with free time.
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    Default JR Torrey and a Swede

    Trying something new.
    1. Not restoring anything requiring a lower grit than 400.
    2. If it don't come off at 400 grit, it stays on.
    3. No more buffer.
    4. Consider taking a photography class so my efforts look as good in pics as in person. lol.

    These are the first two. I think they came out nice. Thanks for looking. The swedes not honed, and yes there's chips on the edge. But absolutely no bad metal, just a little abuse I'm guessing.
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  2. #2
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    No Buffer? but how else can I get that lovely blue shading to all my blades?
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  3. #3
    Just a guy with free time.
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    Use the autumn sky as your light source
    sharptonn likes this.

  4. #4
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Very well done!!

    A pair to be proud of!!

    I like your approach to restorations. I don't like to go 'nuts' on razors I plan on keeping for myself. Now if the intent is to sell it, I'll go all out, but otherwise, I'm with you.!!

    Excellent restores...

    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to mjhammer For This Useful Post:

    regularjoe (09-09-2012)

  6. #5
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by regularjoe View Post
    Trying something new.
    1. Not restoring anything requiring a lower grit than 400.
    2. If it don't come off at 400 grit, it stays on.
    3. No more buffer.
    4. Consider taking a photography class so my efforts look as good in pics as in person. lol.
    I can't comment about the first three, but #4 is near-and-dear to me.

    I don't know about taking a class, but I do know that there's lots of stuff online, and plenty of books available. But on the "rubber-meets-the-road" level, there is nothing that helps your photographs like a tripod. I cannot stress enough how a $30 table-top tripod will raise the quality of your photographs. Equally important is using a light box, which you can quickly, easily, and inexpensively (less than $10) make for yourself.

    Here's the tripod I use (Vanguard VS-86):

    and here's the light box I built:

    Name:  wm_normal_DIY_LB-L.jpg
Views: 231
Size:  26.9 KB

  7. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to JBHoren For This Useful Post:

    mjhammer (09-09-2012), regularjoe (09-09-2012)

  8. #6
    Just a guy with free time.
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    Thanks guys. I have to correct myself though. I did start at 400, but dipped as low as 220 grit. Ofc, I forgot, and then figured it out while working on number three when 400 grit just wasn't really doing anything. lol. So next time I'll be sure and be accurate. The lightbox is somethin that I do have. But my camera is some kind of idiot proof one, that refuses to take a picture under those conditions. It has it's parameters, and apparently light box photos are not on the menu. Thanks again!

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