Thanks again guys!
Finding one of these? Well I got mine for $30.00 and of the other 3 I've done this month I know two were $80.00 or less so they're out there.The fourth was a hand me down.

How to get the rust off? Well , careful sanding of course. Using a buffer for only the minimum of polishing. And backing up the paper with something other than your fingers and starting with the highest grit you can even if it means a bit more work. Heavy grits only mean you have to sand more to get rid of the scratches off in addition to the rust. I accepted this piece quickly simply because of the location of the rust. I knew it would be a nice blade.

And of course, being lucky enough to find blades with deep etches. I either find them with deep blade etches and shallow makers marks or the other way around. Now if I can find them BOTH deep I'll have a real winner on my hands.

In this case though,, the scales make it look worse than it really was.