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Thread: My first scales and blade restore.

  1. #11
    Senior Member PigHog's Avatar
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    Hand made eh? If that's what hand made scales look like then I may give it a go myself, after all!

  2. #12
    Senior Member Krusty01's Avatar
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    Great work, hard to believe this is your first. Gives me confidence to try a restore,


  3. #13
    Senior Member traps38's Avatar
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    After learning a little more i got smarter so i ordered scale blanks from ebay that were only 1/8 in thickness.

    Did the same routine with an old crappy blade and sanded it by hand but more delicately as to save the etching, cut out a pattern on the scale blanks and sanded.

    Back to shellack and this is my second restore:

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    Now this is a thick blade,more like a wedge and i am having a really hard time honing it.

    Need to get some big advice on this on.

    And all with no power tools but takes a little time.
    PigHog likes this.
    *****HAVE A GREAT SHAVE*****

  4. #14
    Senior Member traps38's Avatar
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    I don't know if i am allowed to post the youtube link but this is the guys video i followed to a tee and it worked.

    *****HAVE A GREAT SHAVE*****

  5. #15
    Senior Member traps38's Avatar
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    Default Now my first dabble with acrylic scales

    Well i have restored a few straights now with wood and shellac coating.

    I thought i might take a chance with acrylic scales.

    I got some black acrylic scales cut out rough by a friend as i have no means to cut acrylic other than a coping saw and that is a little too much effort as i tried it once.

    I sanded them down same way as i do with wood(120 grit all the way to 3000)

    Then put a bone wedge that was supplied to me also and some final sanding that ended up with some car wax to shine up the scales.

    Added a restored blade i had also sanded down by hand and pinned them.

    And now VOILA.

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    Now the only problem is that i have restored some nice thick blades close to a wedge type and am having a reaalllyyyy haaarrrrd time honing them.

    Can just barely get them to cut arm hair from my naniwa 1000 as i am trying to set the bevel.

    I have used 1,2 and three layers of type but still hard.(tape does help a bit though)

    Anyways thank you again for all your info as this was never gonna happen if you guys weren't there.
    *****HAVE A GREAT SHAVE*****

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