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06-05-2013, 09:58 PM #1
Glutton for punishment - George Wostenholm & Son - clear plexiglass
There is a shop in Tallahassee called Custom Plastics and I figured I would drop by and see what was there. I was chatting with the guy that runs the shop and asked if he had any small pieces of scrap that I could use for the wedge/spacer on a straight razor. He looked on the ground and found this 3 inch by 4 ft piece of plexiglass still covered in the paper and handed it to me. He asked for a picture of the finished product so I thought I would do him one better.
I made this guy in the course of an afternoon. I only have hand tools so I cut the plexi with my coping saw. I only did one pin, mainly because I didn't want to take another 30 minutes drilling through three sheets of plastic with my pin vise...once was enough
The blade is pretty old and I got the rust off but left the other goodies on there. There is some pitting near the edge of the blade and I don't know how it will affect how it hones up. Either way, I took the finished project to the guy the next day and he was pretty impressed. Personally, I think he was more impressed that I did the whole thing with a coping saw than with the actual razor
As always, lay on the comments and criticisms (especially).
CheersJimmyHAD:My wife told me if I bought another razor she would leave me ........ and I miss her sometimes......