Thanks mate, it's been a good one. Got up before all the rest of the lazy buggers. Had the bathroom to myself. Took a leisurely shave with my OCD 8/8 with no interruptions. Got the dog out of his bed. Did some skipping rope exercise. Cooked up some bacon and eggs to ensure I don't lose too much weight in exercise and got greeted by my eldest daughter with the words "Daddy, my legs hurt!" (she's been skipping and is the reason I'm doing it. She has a skip-a-thon coming up, which has brought out the PT instructor from hell in me ). I said to her, "Well, yes, you know all that skipping we've been doing?! It makes your muscles sore. Welcome to my world sweetheart. I'm in pain too!" I didn't feel that the answer was satisfactory to her...

In the gift department I got drawings, a key chain, a book mark, a book, a picture frame and a whole heap of socks...And I burnt out my drill later on in the day, so you know what I wished they had have given me after that. A Bunnings voucher would have gone down a treat. All up a great day. How was yours?
