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Thread: Razor burn, weepers, best practice

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    I have this quite often. Is usually from shaving straight after honing. I tend to enjoy a few whiskys while honing. And then use too much pressure because I feel no pain thanks to whisky. Doubt this is your problem. But you may find it funny.
    "Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong."-Thomas Jefferson (Notes on Virginia, 1782)

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Below the jawline is my trouble spot and have used all the above for a smooth shave but I'll add just one more. Grain growth. Mine grows upwards there and if Im lazy and shave from the jawline down im going ATG on my first pass. This nearly always ends in razor burn for me.
    outback likes this.

  3. #13
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    Fellas, just to tidy up this subject, my issues I believe are *Harsh sharp edges, through edge chasing/insufficient stropping. Fact that my smallest razor that I 'like' to use is 6/8, most 7/8 (Big Harts etc) Lending itself to over acute angles, and I wear glasses so it's hard to stretch. (Believe me, it's better I use em!). So these bumps are a sliver of top skin when irritated, leaks clear fluid, sometimes don't appear for several hours. If you can imagine slightly grazing an elbow or knee, the clear fluid that is emitted. Competitive bicycle racers often have this exact thing.
    The CURE....does work...Use a smear of Hydro-cortisone cream in the suspected area when you have an inkling of one appearing. It is an anti-inflammatory and reduces the swelling of any 'bump' and can beat them before they arrive. Give it a try guys, but bare in mind that my floors as mentioned are the root cause, and this cream will help. Cheers Bob
    Havachat45 and SmoothAlum like this.

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