Bit of a rant coming.........
Soooo - last Friday some new steel for my next half a dozen razors arrives - really looking forward to getting into that.
The house we moved to {renting} about 6 weeks ago has two toilets on opposite sides, and both backed up last week. Plumber arrives 5pm Friday........ first we clear the sewer pipe. The one the washing machine, 6 feet from the toilet, also backs up from. Lots of roots - cleared, washing machine good, but toilet still blocked... Turns out there is another line for the toilet running parrallel. Great - guess where that access pipe is? NOT outside. In my workshop about two feet off the floor. Access plate seems to have never been removed, so it was a real job to get it off. "yeah - i've run heaps of water in mate - it'll be clean" he says.... first brown water starts leaking....yep... hatch comes off and it explodes. The pipe runs about 30 metres to the street and is blocked all the way up and up the pipe a couple of feet above the hatch, so out it comes. Stop laughing . There are turds {from previous tenants mostly} floating through my workshop!!!! THEN it's electric eel time. By the time that's run in, then back out, there is crap {literally} sprayed up my workshop walls, on my workbench, everywhere..... and the smell!!!! i know you're laughing, but i wasn't.
Four litres of heavy duty disinfectant and a hose cleaned the floor and reduced the smell. Saturday, when the sun came up and i could see the walls i got to scrubbing them........... It still smells in there. And that is only one toilet - the other seems to be on a THIRD line and has yet to be fixed.......
Seems everytime i want to hit the workshop i have a challenge of some sort, but that one was a beaut!
Was also working on getting a new grinder set up and just found today that the gearbox in the car is stuffed. More money diverted. Anyone got a 5 speed manual gearbox for a 2001 Corolla sitting about?? SIGH.
End Rant.
Hope everyone one elses silly season is enjoyable, and at least i figure some of you smiled, if not outright got a laugh out of this adventure.
Stay Safe All.