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Thread: Handguns that Fit

  1. #1
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Default Handguns that Fit

    Had a Sig P232 - Man I really liked that thing. It was a narrow single stack, functioned like a champ. One of the best things about it was you were able to put aftermarket grips on it. With the Houge's it just "fit."

    Alas it was a .380 and I wanted at least a 9mm and some more firepower (capacity). Here's some pics of it in hand.

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    Just looking at the photo's makes me want to replace it .

    After selling it and replacing it with a Block 26 (I like compacts), I note I really miss the thing. Though, I have to admit I don't much miss the .380 part of it, I note I really do prefer the handling of a single stack. Besides, I am not sure I really need the capacity of a double stack now either to be honest.

    So I am hunting for a new pistol - I think I'll go back to a single stack. I am eyeing the Walther PPS but can't find one in town to handle. Handled an XPs at the gun show - loved the feel, but am not too sure about the pistol itself. Maybe I should handle a Sig P239?

    Anyway what's the handgun that's just "fit" you??
    Last edited by earcutter; 02-26-2014 at 11:07 PM.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member rbaker2778's Avatar
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    Default Handguns that Fit

    I had a P232 as well. Same grips also. Loved it but it had to go when I moved from PA to NYC. I still miss it and would love to have it back.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Is there really any other choice? No,,,,,,,,

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    Colt 45, Government Models, Series 70,,,Elephant Ivory(Legal of course), Wooly Mammoth, Vietnamese Water Buffalo

  4. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Hirlau For This Useful Post:

    earcutter (02-26-2014), nun2sharp (02-27-2014), Phrank (02-27-2014), Steeleback (03-06-2014)

  5. #4
    Senior Member rbaker2778's Avatar
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    Default Handguns that Fit

    This question for me really separates my gun use from any other hobbies. At this stage of my life, I have one handgun. It fits perfectly. Glock 19 with some functional modifications. Stainless guide rod and non captive recoil spring, modified spring and connector for smoother trigger pull while keeping the pull weight a constant 5lbs. I shoot my gun and my gun only at the range. I train with my gun. If I were to ever buy another gun, it would be another G19 modified in exactly the same ways. My gun is merely a tool. I love pretty guns, but I like to be consistent with my training. Pretty much the exact opposite of any other hobby.

    So for me, the gun that currently fits is my G19 and it is probably the only defensive gun I will own unless I buy a duplicate. I would buy other handguns, but not for that perfect fit.

  6. #5
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    +1 for Glock. I carry a gen 4 27 and love it. My first pistol was a Glock 17, which may be part of the reason they're so comfy to me. The other nice thing is the glock .40's and 9mm all have the same size frame, so I can swap in my 17 if I'm wearing more/larger layers in colder weather. G27 in a galco ankle glove and I forget it's even there, very comfy!
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  7. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I had a walther PPK. it's a nice weapon but they have a rep for jamming easily. I also have a Derringer in 45 long colt, it fits anywhere. probably my small Glock in 40cal is the ideal for me.
    earcutter likes this.
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  8. #7
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rbaker2778 View Post
    This question for me really separates my gun use from any other hobbies. At this stage of my life, I have one handgun. It fits perfectly. Glock 19 with some functional modifications. Stainless guide rod and non captive recoil spring, modified spring and connector for smoother trigger pull while keeping the pull weight a constant 5lbs. I shoot my gun and my gun only at the range. I train with my gun. If I were to ever buy another gun, it would be another G19 modified in exactly the same ways. My gun is merely a tool. I love pretty guns, but I like to be consistent with my training. Pretty much the exact opposite of any other hobby.

    So for me, the gun that currently fits is my G19 and it is probably the only defensive gun I will own unless I buy a duplicate. I would buy other handguns, but not for that perfect fit.
    Quote Originally Posted by ne0nblakk View Post
    +1 for Glock. I carry a gen 4 27 and love it. My first pistol was a Glock 17, which may be part of the reason they're so comfy to me. The other nice thing is the glock .40's and 9mm all have the same size frame, so I can swap in my 17 if I'm wearing more/larger layers in colder weather. G27 in a galco ankle glove and I forget it's even there, very comfy!
    That's awesome - I am glad you guys like your Glocks!! I don't mind my Glock 26 (it needs new sites though). I mean it fills a role as any tool does. But I can't say I am that passionate about it, or that it "fits" me.

    I'll say this Hirlau - those are beautiful pieces! Very nice! Moreover, the 1911 fits! Just too big for me !
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  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Am Old. Like old tech,fits me to a tee,throw it in a wet tackle box for a day on the river,no worrys,no clips, no B.S
    Pull da trigger, she works every time
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    Dangerous within 1 Mile

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to pixelfixed For This Useful Post:

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  11. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Again,,,I'm going with the "Title" of the thread. No other handgun "fits" my hand like the 1911,,but my daily carry is a Glock 19, & no she's not pretty, but she is the tool for the job.

    ,,,I take it that's a Model 66, Pixel??

  12. #10
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Again,,,I'm going with the "Title" of the thread. No other handgun "fits" my hand like the 1911,,but my daily carry is a Glock 19, & no she's not pretty, but she is the tool for the job.

    ,,,I take it that's a Model 66, Pixel??
    Yup - and thanks! I want to be in your will btw.

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