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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014
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    Default Considering taking up pipe...

    Hello gents!

    Lately, I've been talking to my wife about how I'm gonna smoke a pipe when I'm older. I've wanted to do that for a few years now, after a life-long hatred for smoking. My parents were cigarette smokers, and cigs still disgust me, but ever since a friend gave me a cigar to try, I realized why people started smoking in the first place. It was GOOD - the taste, the combination with the wine we had that night (I think it was a Menut from Priorat), and the action itself...
    Anyway, my wife asked - why not now? and I had no real answer (beside the health issues)...

    So why pipe, you ask? Well, a few reasons:
    1. I'm a PhD student with not much money to spend. Nice cigars are expensive here in Israel, and buying online is a risk, because of costumes that will make me pay taxes and make the whole thing a drag..
    2. I'm weird, and I like meditative, long lasting, awareness requiring things... I LOVE shaving with a SR, and I think I'd like to smoke a pipe.
    3. It's cool, it's manly, and it's a lost art that should be preserved, just like wet shaving...

    So I read a little, and I'm confused.
    I figured I need a corn-cob pipe, which costs nearly nothing and enhances the tobacco taste, in order to see if I even like smoking a pipe... What I don't know is - which?
    Also - which tobacco should I start with?
    Bare in mind - I've never smoked ANYTHING except that "sip" from that cigar I mentioned. I'm practically a tobacco virgin...
    If it helps, I know I like a pitted single malt with a touch of salt (like Tobermory), I like a good gin or an old Rom (Angustura 1824.. mmm..), LOVE Cognac, getting used to Armagnac and my cocktails are Dry Martini and Old-Fashioned. Also I drink my coffee as an espresso, and I like it bitter, with a mild sweetness to it (no sugar, of course..)

    And a last question to the beard\mustache carriers among you: Does pipe smoking makes the hairs yellow, like a cig?

    Sorry for the long post... This is a rather scary thing for me to do :]

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haim View Post
    I'm practically a tobacco virgin...
    Don't pop the cherry, pipe smoking is not as harmless as it seems.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  3. #3
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    Just spend your money on razors. From a nicotine veteran, it's not worth the money. My great uncle had almost all of the muscles from his tongue carved out from 2 bouts of mouth cancer. Almost lost his jaw, even the eating was difficult and embarrassing for him.

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