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Thread: A million thanks an some likes too!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member KsStraightShaver's Avatar
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    Default A million thanks an some likes too!

    I post this in the finer things in life as you are all fine gentlemen in my book.

    I have problems viewing this site when signed in an a bigger problem posting here it takes forever an I have no idea why I've tried everything I can think but nothing fixes the problem.

    Now I'm not posting to complain I'm actually posting to say thank you there are a lot of you on here that help out with any an all questions even when those questions are from newbies that don't take the time to read first (an without complaint). So I wanted to come here an say thank you to all of you an to say I'm sorry that it seems I'm being rude I'm not, when you guys help me I can't like your post ( unless the site doesn't screw up for me) I click the like button an the site messes up an I back up but can't hit the like button again as it thinks I've already done so, so I'm here now saying thank you and I like that too.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to KsStraightShaver For This Useful Post:

    MattCB (06-17-2016), RezDog (06-17-2016)

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