Hiya lads. Hope you are fairing well as summer sets in. Hot and humid up here this week.
Had some hunny do’s that had to get done so a break from Noddy as I get to the end.
Did manage to get her turning over via the starter and check compression.
The #1 cylinder which had the chip broken is now @ 175psi, as are the other 3 cylinders. So a gain of 5 psi from what I had but a recovery on 1 of over 45 psi, so she should run smoother, and with a bit more pep. Not a lot, but a little bit more.
Everything is bled, and the stop installed to limit clutch travel to 1.5” now. That is so much less than before. Excited to feel that under foot.
Wrapped the exhaust in lava wool, like on motorcycles, to help cool things off even more than before as well.
Really close now. Steering column, new wheel, and interior need to go back in but maybe I’ll try starting her up tomorrow, nd get the insides back this weekend.
And here’s the finished front walkway after a weeks efforts. Reused some more of the flagstone repurposed when we upgraded the pool deck half a decade ago. Held onto the old stuff for just such an upgrade.
Attachment 353042
Add’s to the front esthetics, and will be longer lasting than the raised deck it replaces.
Added the hostas as an afterthought cause that inside edge needed some plants to help dry out the winter run off.
Stay busy lads, key to sanity these days..