Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
A good summer season behind and Noddy is tucked in for the winter.
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She ran well all season.
I think I should have had the cylinder head redone by a machine shop and may still, if only for the slight oil burn I attribute to the gap in the Vv stems but was trying to save money along the way.
Even though she ran well I always sensed resistance from the Misses to go longer than an hr out in her and never on the big hiways. So, got me looking for a newer roadster that she might be more confident in. An add to the garage not to replace the MG cause I have way to much blood in her to consider selling.
Always wanted a 911 but never looked at them seriously. Took a cpl that needed lots of work for a test drive and felt that I?m just too old to rock that car any longer. Refuse to be one of those ?old guys? puttering long in a Porsche.
So, worked out a deal for this 05 SLK
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Seems more age appropriate, and a 6 spd std hard top convertible.
Needs some freshening up, busted lights and a thread worn drivers seat bottom. But compared to the scope of the last project, everything she needs is relatively cosmetic.
A few weeks work and she will be a nice upgrade that has windows that are built in, and roll up with the top down. Think that?s Ruth?s biggest hang up wit the MG. It?s just too little for her to feel truly safe. I might drive to fast as well but am unconvinced on that cause.
Anyway, buddy was real eager to make a sale as Christmas is coming so I worked it out.
Cheers gents.
Isn't that what you said about the MG? Just a couple of issues and it will be great! 4 years later and well, you're still making improvements. Good Luck to you on this new adventure!