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Thread: Single Action Revolver

  1. #11
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    I know two men that exclusively carry Single Action Army designs for daily self defense. I saw a man in Walmart open carrying a SSA in a shoulder holster with large knife on the other side and 6-round bandoleer across his chest. I doubt anyone would mess with that guy, ever.

    There are something like 2.7 rounds fired in the average shootout. That is well-within the firepower of an single action revolver. As for a reload, you could do what I did when I worked a local Stop & Rob: carry a second revolver.

    I've been watching a lot of "Gunsmoke" episodes with my father and the weapon does have some appeal. I'd personally feel "decently armed" with one, especially in .44-40 or .45 Colt.
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  2. #12
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    Edit: SAA (Single Action Army) is what looked to be in that man's shoulder holster. Geeze I would have loved to chat with him a bit and get my picture taken with him. *I was carrying that day too and a revolver at that just not open carrying.
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  3. #13
    MrZ is offline
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    Fancy new stuff just doesnt light my fire. Almost every firearm that I own was made well before I was born. Just raised on classics, so I lean that way. Savage 99 rifles, Pre War side by side shotguns, stuff like that is where I stay. I might fall for a Browning Hi-power or a colt 1911 though..... just saying.
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  4. #14
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    Might want to get into gear then as Browning stopped making the Hi Power over a year ago. Prices have jumped a bit since then.

    I have seven Hi Powers including three alloy framed units.

    Two are from Ohio Ordnance Works (OOW) and one from a gunbroker auction. Plan is to take the auction unit to a 'smith (like Novak's) and have it reworked a bit for carry).

    I like older guns too. 1911, BHP, S&W revolvers, but one plastic wonder I do like is the Kahr series. I am in the process of outfitting my 5 carry pieces with Crimson Trace laser grips. These really do come in handy at night.......ask me how I know sometime!
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  5. #15
    MrZ is offline
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    I wouldnt buy a new Hi-Power anyway. Old guns have soul. Pre World War Two is usually my cut off. I still may be tempted by a Savage 99 in 358 from the 1950s but much after that, I figure the gun hasnt properly aged yet.
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  6. #16
    . Otto's Avatar
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    Although my favorite gun is the Colt 1911,
    I love single action revolvers too.
    I recently found a
    Name:  70950058-59BE-4274-981B-4A64158F0541.jpeg
Views: 66
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    Colt 1873 SAA from the 1970ies.
    Caliber .45 Colt
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  7. #17
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Colt has come out with remakes of their original revolvers but honestly the QC was terrible and the prices sky high. The Italian made versions are better made and dead accurate.

    As for carrying for self defense (and I have a couple of these and am retired law enforcement) if you were up against someone with a DA Revolver or a semi-auto you had better hit your mark with the first shot or you be in big trouble.
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  8. #18
    Home of the Mysterious Symbol CrescentCityRazors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Are you saying forget about the .327 and get me a 44 mag?
    You gotta admit, the Ruger Super Blackhawk is a mighty fun gun to shoot! And it won't break the bank, either. Well, except for storebought cartridges. My ex wife was very good with that thing, in spite of her small stature and itty bitty kitty paws. Too good, actually. First time I ever let her shoot it, we were shooting at the levee on the other side of an irrigation ditch where we lived at the time and I got her set up and had her aim at a piece of broom handle or something over there. First shot, it was gone. A couple minutes later we spotted a piece. She made it disappear for good. Okay, yeah she was shooting Specials cause that is what I was shooting, out of cost considerations, but still that is a mighty big piece for a little 4'10" Belizean girl to shoot, and could she shoot! Surprised the hell out of me. She was at least as good as I was with it. Nice sights, comfortable plowhandle grip, good weight but not crazy excessive. Did I mention that it fires both .44 Magnum and .44 Specials? I would very much recommend that gun. Ruger don't make junk. That's an easy gun to fall in love with.

    My only revolver at present is a Pietta repro 1858 Remington New Model Army cap & ball revolver. I have "a few" spare cylinders, and speed-changing cylinders is fun and challenging. Tactical re-load, 1860's style! Keep the powder charge reasonable, and it is a VERY sweet gun to shoot in spite of the crude and rude sights. I love their repro Walker Colt just cause it is so hyooooge but without a full frame, I would be reluctant to shoot it very much with anything more than fairly light loads. The Remington uses a full frame and is obviously a stronger gun. The cylinder change is fast and simple, unlike the Colt design, and the 1858 has safety notches on the cylinder face so you can carry all 6 chambers loaded, hammer down in a notch. It is currently my reigning "things that go bump in the night" gun. The cocking sound is so unmistakeable, especially on a calm night in our quiet neighborhood. Best way I know, to say, "FREEZE, @$$HOLE!" but like I said, quiet neighborhood, haven't had to do that here.

  9. #19
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otto View Post
    Although my favorite gun is the Colt 1911,
    I love single action revolvers too.
    I recently found a
    Name:  70950058-59BE-4274-981B-4A64158F0541.jpeg
Views: 66
Size:  185.9 KB
    Colt 1873 SAA from the 1970ies.
    Caliber .45 Colt
    Outstanding! The gun that tamed the West!
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    Semper Fi !


  10. #20
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Well... the older I get, the farther "backward" I seem to go. I still have my AR, but I keep my lever in the trunk. I'll probably always carry my semi 9's but today, today I will be ordering this:

    Attachment 287809

    Attachment 287810

    I'm done with practical. It's time to load up on things I like! And brothers, a .327 FM single action Birdshead grip is about as unpractical as it gets lol!!

    FYI - I'm doing the same thing with all my soaps/aftershaves. 6 max. Love em, or throw em out. Got no time for things that are just ok
    Outstanding! A favorite of Doc Holiday's!
    Semper Fi !


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