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Thread: 2019 Ride

  1. #1
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Default 2019 Ride

    Hi All!

    I rode out from the Boars Nest at 6 AM the 23rd of June and the ride started with a Bang!

    No more than 2-3 miles from my front door Bambi jumped out and I hit it! (I'm thankful that it was Bambi and not Mommy or Daddy!)

    The damn thing was up against a concrete lane divider and I didn't see it. All I could do was grip the handle bar tight and hope for the best. I actually saw it's head hit my left hand crash bar (which it bent). I felt what I think was a hoof hit my shin. I didn't bother stopping or even looking in the mirror. I did pull over about another 1/2 mile further as there is a weigh station and checked the bike out.

    Besides the blood and hair all was fine so off I headed.

    I rode up over Lo Lo Pass and spent the night in Missoula MT at the same motel that Tc and I had stayed at 3 years ago and I'd stayed at during last years ride. I love the place as they are very accommodating. I'd called ahead and made reservations for a ground floor room with a refrigerator that I could park my bike in front of but when I arrived I was on a second floor room but they immediately changed it and I was actually in the same room as I was during last years ride.

    The next day was a 500 + or - ride to Miles City MT and again in a familiar motel. That allowed me to make a short ride to Joel's (Benz) home in ND.

    I ended up at Joel's for a few days longer than I'd expected. I had planned on riding out a bit sooner but between Joel showing me around, simple BS'ing and getting a lot of rain my departure was a bit delayed but I really enjoyed the time with Joel.

    By the way----------------for those that don't know it Benz is an 'Enabler'. On one of the excursions we went to an antique shop and now I'm waiting for a USPS Priority Package full of cast iron cookware to arrive/it's supposed to be here Monday. There went the 'Trip Budget'!

    I will say that when you spend time at Joel's home you won't starve! Bacon, Eggs and 'Extra Crispy' hash browns were on the table every morning. For supper he might pull out some home canned Swedish meatballs or such and they were all very good.

    One thing that Joel had told me about was his 'Pork-n-Swine' and he fixed one for me.

    What he does is take a boneless pork loin and hollow out two slots and places sausages in the opening and then seasons the loin and slow cooks it in his Smoker/Cooker. (He and his dad built it from scratch).

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    When the clouds parted I headed toward the San Diego area. That portion of the ride was without any drama--well except for a buck and doe that I saw that were going to jump onto the road so I hit the brakes in plenty of time-----the problem was that I'd seen a newer Dodge 4X4 heading at a brisk pace in the left hand lane to pass me and he hadn't seen the deer. Apparently when I hit my brakes he decided to hit his. He must have had anti-lock brakes as there wasn't any squealing or such and he got stopped just a foot or so from the buck. Both deer had stopped and the doe headed back from where they'd come from and then the buck followed.

    The weather was great riding to El Cajon/which is just outside of San Diego and in fact I rode though SD before landing in El Cajon.

    Time spent with my best and oldest friend (Carl/I've known him for 54 years now) is always precious and he had several home projects to work on. They all came out very well.

    Sorry about no pictures at Carl's as we were busy and I didn't think about taking any.

    After a week at Carl's I headed north toward the Boars Nest.

    A 570 mile ride to Redding only to find that even though I'd called ahead and made reservations my room wasn't ready so I spent an hour and a half under the shade of a tree patiently waiting.

    I rode out the next day at 5:45 AM and after a decent ride landed at my buddy Ski's place at 3:15 PM and shot some pool and enjoyed several 'Barley Pops' before making the last 12 miles to the Boars Nest.

    I finally landed home at about 5 PM Thursday the 18th of July 2019. My son had turned the air conditioning on the night before when he got off work so I walked into a 68 deg Boars Nest. A very pleasant situation after a 560 mile ride.

    My total mileage was right at 4500 miles.
    Last edited by cudarunner; 07-20-2019 at 01:38 AM.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to cudarunner For This Useful Post:

    Benz (07-20-2019), Gasman (07-20-2019), Grazor (09-14-2019), Leadmeknot (08-13-2019), tcrideshd (07-20-2019)

  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    I'm glad you made it home safe, Roy! We were wondering about you when you fell off the radar. Watch out for those deer!

    edit: I got stopped on a curvy remote mountain road yesterday as I was scouting fishing areas. There was a motorcycle crash; not sure how it happened. The victims were taken away by ambulance with a few splints and bandages, but appeared to be okay to tell the story for the rest of their lives. I thought of you and all riders-be safe out there!
    Last edited by ScoutHikerDad; 07-20-2019 at 12:33 AM.
    cudarunner likes this.
    There are many roads to sharp.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to ScoutHikerDad For This Useful Post:

    cudarunner (07-20-2019)

  5. #3
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Typically when people say "Ride Safe" or "Be Safe" I always respond with "I worry about the Other Assholes and not This One". I've ridden motorcycles since I was 16 and in fact got my bike endorsement that same year and it was the first year that Washington State required an endorsement for motorcycles. I always try to ride safe and be aware of everything around me.-------Bambi doesn't count

    I saw this when I was in a motel after leaving Joel's place and it burns my ass!! I hope that the bureaucrats that didn't revoke this pukes license will spend time behind bars-and the puke will not only get a death sentence but actually be put to death-----but that's wishful thinking. At the least he should spend his life in prison and then have his remains be sent back 'HOME'.

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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  6. #4
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Glad your home safe Roy. And enjoyed another great ride. That pork with the sausage links in it looks very nice. Might have to give that a go some day.
    cudarunner likes this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  7. #5
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    You should have seen the look on my post mistress' face when she lifted that box of cast iron skillets Roy. When I blamed you I may have gained another divorcee to my harem.
    cudarunner and Leadmeknot like this.

  8. #6
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    I did introduce Roy to two of my divorcees. The widder woman and her widder daughter I keep cleverly hidden.

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