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Thread: Rifle Help

  1. #21
    Bondservant of Jesus coachschaller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    Lee Enfield rifles were used for sniping in both 303 and lastly in 308 cal. . Also many gents had custom heavy barrelled Lee Enfield target rifles in 308 made for long distance DCRA completions from 600 to 1000 yds.. The shorter ranges they covered with a Mauser action rifle. The point being that they can be made very accurate so the potential is there.

    Besides all the good recommendation that have been made, I would check to make sure the action is properly bedded into the stock so as not to move on firing. You need a rock solid butt stock to action fit with no slop and the action rock solid in the fore end wood. As has been mentioned, make sure the barrel is really free floating with no contact with the fore end wood.

    Just checked all of it and it is rock solid and free floating !
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  2. #22
    Bondservant of Jesus coachschaller's Avatar
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    Well, did some major cleaning of the barrel. After scrubbing and cleaning and resting and scrubbing some more, I think the barrel might be going. I could make out some copper on the rifling at the muzzle end. The rifling still looks deep, but I can see some pitting and maybe even a scratch or so running a portion of the barrel. I will try it out again and then I will switch the ammo. Outside of better cleaning and maybe a trip to the gunsmith, it will not be a huge loss to hang it on the wall, if it comes to that.

  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    Cost me $150 (for background check and “fees”) and a year, to get back a pistol I had loan my dad 40 years ago. It was still registered to me. A nice 5 screw S/W 6” revolver.

    My dad passed 2 years ago, my slime ball sister stole the gun from his house.

    She turned it in to the police after, I threatened to file a police report and name her as the suspect, which I did. Of course, they did nothing but take a report.

    Does not matter that the gun was stolen, still had to pay and wait and wait, they lost the paper work, but cashed the check. California…
    It's not just California. 25-30 years ago I got pulled over for traffic stuff. I had a.truck with a 429 out of an old Mercury station wagon that would pass anything but a gas station. Useless details, useless details... anyway I was young and dumb and got arrested for wreckless driving. I had a pistol legally stored that was confiscated. It took me months, maybe over a year to get it back and it cost me a fortune. Bad thing was it belonged to my Dad. There was no legal or logical reason for them to confiscate it in the first place but I guess you really can't fight city hall
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  4. #24
    Bondservant of Jesus coachschaller's Avatar
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    confiscation and seizure laws can be head scratching. They are not nice here in Michigan either. There is a push to legislate it better.
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  5. #25
    Bondservant of Jesus coachschaller's Avatar
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    After over an hour of scrubbing my rifle here are the results 50 yards on a bench wind 10-15 mph:

    Name:  shot pattern 090620.jpg
Views: 75
Size:  46.2 KB

    Top Row is my .303 Enfield:

    Top left is with some old PPU shells 180 gr bullet
    Top Middle is with better ammo - I would be happy with that grouping
    Top right is from the ammo I was using last year and earlier when I made my initial post. I bought it about 1 year ago at a gun shop.

    Bottom Row is with my 30-06 with different loads. I will be using the loads on the left. My first shot is exactly where I want it.

    So maybe my .303 needed some cleaning, but it looks like it was mostly the ammo.

  6. #26
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    Can I make the recommendation to do 5 round groups instead of 3. Statistically there is a huge difference in the accuracy of the sample.

    That said it looks like ammo to me. Most cheap ammo, surplus or not, are 2 moa plus loads. Sure you can get it down by cherry picking groups or a lucky spread, but they'll still average about 2 moa.

  7. #27
    Bondservant of Jesus coachschaller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimClippers11 View Post
    Can I make the recommendation to do 5 round groups instead of 3. Statistically there is a huge difference in the accuracy of the sample.

    That said it looks like ammo to me. Most cheap ammo, surplus or not, are 2 moa plus loads. Sure you can get it down by cherry picking groups or a lucky spread, but they'll still average about 2 moa.
    One reloader I work with says he always does 4 shot groups when testing loads. Unfortunately, I am low on ammo and it is hard to find right now. My last trip yielded the exact same cartridge for sale that I was having problems with (top right). I did get one box of 30-06, so I should be able to shoot 4 or 5 rounds next time!
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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by coachschaller View Post
    One reloader I work with says he always does 4 shot groups when testing loads. Unfortunately, I am low on ammo and it is hard to find right now. My last trip yielded the exact same cartridge for sale that I was having problems with (top right). I did get one box of 30-06, so I should be able to shoot 4 or 5 rounds next time!
    I completely understand that. The only store in my area with anything in stock is selling at nearly double what his already high prices were in January. He complains of the the window shoppers coming in looking for ammo and not buying, but he's selling .308 federal gold medal match for over $3.25 a round. Heck his 9mm hydra-shok is $2.75 a round.
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  9. #29
    Senior Member heelerau's Avatar
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    I would handload for the rifle, 5 shot groups as suggested. don't forget a small amount of free bore when loading, ie don't have the over all loaded round length butting up to the rifling lands. Is it a no 3 or 4 rifle? My old no 3 would hold about and inch at 100 m off the bench with open sights. I found the 185 grain projectiles best for my old girl. I worked up in 1/2 grain increments from the minimum. Quick check of the thread, I see No 4 rifle, that has a front locking bolt, so should group well. Is it a two groove rifle?
    Last edited by heelerau; 10-18-2020 at 09:03 PM.
    Keep yo hoss well shod an yo powdah dry !

  10. #30
    Bondservant of Jesus coachschaller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by heelerau View Post
    I, ie don't have the over all loaded round length butting up to the rifling lands.

    Is it a two groove rifle?
    I have not made a mold out of the action to know where the lands are.

    Not sure if it is a two groove... how do I check?

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