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  • 10 Post By Razorfeld

Thread: Update:

  1. #1
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Forest Grove, Oregon
    Thanked: 1228

    Default Update:

    Ran across this this morning in my files. Updated it.

    When I was a lad I served a term as lather boy in a shaving firm
    I stropped the razors and toned the hones,
    Cleaned the brushes, made scales of bone.
    I cleaned the brushes so magnificently
    That now I am the keeper of the King's Cutlery
    Oh he cleaned the brushes so magnificently
    That now he is the Keeper of the King’s Cutlery.

    I studied studiously the intricacies of honing an edge
    Mastering the mystery of slurry making.
    I learned to pin effectively
    And now I am the Keeper of the King’s Cutlery.

    Oh he learned to pin so effectively
    That now he is the Keeper of the King’s Cutlery.

    My advice to one and all is this
    If you want to achieve success and bliss
    Apply yourself most assiduously
    And you too can be the Keeper of the King’s Cutlery.

    Oh he applied himself most assiduously
    And now he is the Keeper of the King’s Cutlery.
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Razorfeld For This Useful Post:

    sharptonn (10-11-2022)

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