I know I'm not the only adrenaline junkie here. We all have our loves in life, and I daresay there's a few here that enjoy cars, bikes, etc. What're some good times you've had?

For me, it's on my dirtbikes. I used to race motocross all the time, as well as recreational trail riding. There's not many things more exhilarating than getting your bike into a nice rut, railing a corner as fast as you can, then pinning the throttle for the jump. My stories of craziness mostly center around wipeouts- times when I should have at least broken something, and a few where I should have been hospitalized.

One time I'll never forget is I was riding a trail with some buddies and bringing up the rear. It was a dry day, so all I could see was dirt in the air. The place we were riding was mostly hard packed dirt and sandstone, and it just so happened there was a 1 foot fault in the trail. The first two guys barely made it, but by the time I saw it, I could only do my best to save it. Now, not to toot my own horn, but I can usually somehow get out of some nasty situations- just not that time. Anyway, I saved the front, but the rear hit so hard that it started to jump side to side on me. It got so bad that my bike was perpendicular to the direction I was going, causing me to highside. I instinctively let go and was launched face first at about 35 mph onto the ground. I slid around 20 feet, rolling over about halfway so I could slide easier, then hit a rock wall. I thought my ride was over, but at that second my bike slammed onto me. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place!

I was bloody as hell, but thank god I was wearing a chest protector. The funny thing is, I know it was all over in an instant, but it felt like 5 minutes. For me, things like this go into slow motion (which is part of the thrill), which is the only way I can recall any of it. This isn't my worst, but it's one of my favorites to recall.