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  1. #1
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Default Tales of High Speed

    I know I'm not the only adrenaline junkie here. We all have our loves in life, and I daresay there's a few here that enjoy cars, bikes, etc. What're some good times you've had?

    For me, it's on my dirtbikes. I used to race motocross all the time, as well as recreational trail riding. There's not many things more exhilarating than getting your bike into a nice rut, railing a corner as fast as you can, then pinning the throttle for the jump. My stories of craziness mostly center around wipeouts- times when I should have at least broken something, and a few where I should have been hospitalized.

    One time I'll never forget is I was riding a trail with some buddies and bringing up the rear. It was a dry day, so all I could see was dirt in the air. The place we were riding was mostly hard packed dirt and sandstone, and it just so happened there was a 1 foot fault in the trail. The first two guys barely made it, but by the time I saw it, I could only do my best to save it. Now, not to toot my own horn, but I can usually somehow get out of some nasty situations- just not that time. Anyway, I saved the front, but the rear hit so hard that it started to jump side to side on me. It got so bad that my bike was perpendicular to the direction I was going, causing me to highside. I instinctively let go and was launched face first at about 35 mph onto the ground. I slid around 20 feet, rolling over about halfway so I could slide easier, then hit a rock wall. I thought my ride was over, but at that second my bike slammed onto me. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place!

    I was bloody as hell, but thank god I was wearing a chest protector. The funny thing is, I know it was all over in an instant, but it felt like 5 minutes. For me, things like this go into slow motion (which is part of the thrill), which is the only way I can recall any of it. This isn't my worst, but it's one of my favorites to recall.

  2. #2
    Certifiable bbshriver's Avatar
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    One of my friends runs Motocross. He's been trying to get me into it for years, but I just can't get excited about it... my heart lies with things with 4 wheels....
    Currently have a vintage racing project starting with 73 Porsche 911 Targa... coming along nicely but slowly

  3. #3
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    I ride a street bike. I like to go fast where it's safe to do so. My closest calls came from idiot cagers making left turns in front of me, without looking. Eventually I'd like to get a dirt bike, but that will come after my fiance and I tour North America and Europe on st-bikes, which I have yet to buy lol

  4. #4
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    One of the collest things with High Speed I've ever done was hang on the side of a car on my rollerblades.

    Not behind it so you stay out of the wind resistance.

    On the driver's window.

    At 110 km/h.

    I've never felt anything faster.

    It was amazing though.

  5. #5
    Gold Dot TULIP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LX_Emergency View Post
    One of the collest things with High Speed I've ever done was hang on the side of a car on my rollerblades.

    Not behind it so you stay out of the wind resistance.

    On the driver's window.

    At 110 km/h.

    I've never felt anything faster.

    It was amazing though.

    That freaked me out just reading it...110 km/h is nearly 70 mph...on roller blades. Your stones are bigger than mine.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    I ride a street bike. I like to go fast where it's safe to do so. My closest calls came from idiot cagers making left turns in front of me, without looking. Eventually I'd like to get a dirt bike, but that will come after my fiance and I tour North America and Europe on st-bikes, which I have yet to buy lol
    I stay well away from street bikes because I know they have different requirements for road use than I do. I've almost hit an at 9pm at night because he was doing 25-30mph over the limit, didn't signal, and didn't have his lights on. But, he would have deserved it.

    The fastest I've ever gone [in a vehicle under my control] was 140kts (161.1mph) in a Cesna 152 in a shallow dive because my instructor was running late for her next lesson. In that same aircraft I'd also had it at about 100kts when I was 150ft from the ground... I had oversped her during crosswind and final. I was about crapping bricks. Landed okay in the end though.

    I've never had a vehicle on any road over 110 though. I figure I'll get there with my new Civic Si at some point. Not with my wife around though.

  7. #7
    Ooo Shiny cannonfodder's Avatar
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    Rolling 160mph on two wheels across the planes tucked behind a tiny wind screen leathered up with my brain bucket on (never ride without either) listening to the headers screaming at 14,000 RPM is an interesting experience. With today’s sport bikes, that is slow. I think the next addition to my stable will be a Ducati 1098, just love the sound of those L twin’s.

    At that speed I was covering something like a football field and a half every second. At that speed you no longer ride, you strap on and point. If you put it down, you will never know.
    Last edited by cannonfodder; 03-01-2008 at 05:49 AM.

  8. #8
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cannonfodder View Post
    I think the next addition to my stable will be a Ducati 1098, just love the sound of those L twin’s.
    I would love one of those!

    Fastest I've ever gone on the road is 120 mph in my truck. I don't really know the fastest I've gone on my dirtbikes because it's kind of hard to tell. I was once told I did about 60 mph, so I guess that's what I'll go with.

    Now I have my pit bike which might do 40, and that's pushing it. There was a CBR 600 that was close to being mine, but I couldn't justify it

    EDIT: Alex, WHOA! I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time, but JESUS! On rollerblades?
    Last edited by Quick Orange; 03-01-2008 at 06:38 AM. Reason: Alex's crazy self

  9. #9
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    Well fastest I have gone on the road was about 155mph in my rx-7. Was still pulling, and was going uphill, but I was starting to catch up to other cars, and I never know what other people are doing when driving.

    Craziest experience I have had in a car would be in a corrolla. Was going about 120, and pulled a 540. Came within less than a foot of flipping the car over the curb, but actually stayed calm and controlled it throughout the whole spin. I looked down at one point and was going 110-115 a little bit more than half way through it. By far the stupidest thing I have ever done in my life, and also the most fun. I was not trying to spin it, but hit the brakes a little too hard, which resulted in the spin.

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    Fastest on street was about 127ish mph in my 06 Mustang GT, sweet car, too bad I had to get rid of her. I had big plans for mods on that beauty to bring her up to about 550HP.

    I am no NASCAR fan at all, but I decided to join a buddy in Charlotte NC to do the Richard Petty Driving Experience. you have to follow an instructor who basically watches how you drive and will go as fast as you are capable of, up to 140mph of course. I made that top speed and 20-30mph faster would have been very easily attainable if the instructor would have sped up...


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