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  1. #1
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    Default aged pipe tobacco??


    I amm a pipe smoker, and now and then I also smoke a cigar.

    But, can one get aged pipe tobacco? Aged cigars are around, so I hope to find the same for my pipe.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Galopede's Avatar
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    Some places do sell stuff that has some age on it. Also go look at smokersforum as people on there often offer up baccy they want to sell for various reasons, often with some age.

    Why not just do as a lot of pipe smokers do and regularly buy more than you need and cellar it? I've been doing that for a few years now and have some good stuff stashed away. Cheaper in the long run too as the prices are always on the up!


  3. #3
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    Default thanks

    Thanks, I will go nd post on the forum now.

    Yes, I am doing that, but like to try it out now!!!!cant wait..ehehheheh

    But, thanks for the reply

  4. #4
    Senior Member Galopede's Avatar
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    Know what you mean about wanting to try straight away!

    Buy more then you can try it now and again with some age and see the difference.

    When I started cellering the baccies, I was smoking most of my orders but there was always a bit left and that bit increases quite quickly with a few more orders. I now have several kilos in jars ageing nicely. Some of the people on smokersforum have hundreds of kilos stashed! Far more than I'd smoke in the rest of my life!

    As you're in Switzerland, have you tried Syneco as a supplier? They are a very good Swiss online tobbacconist.

    I use them quite a lot as their prices are a lot better than here in the UK and they seem quite good at getting the orders into the country without problems, if you follow!

    Enjoy your pipes...

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    vegard_dino (05-13-2008)

  6. #5
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    I regularly smoke 20-49 year old tobaccos. Mostly Balkan Sobranie and Garfinkel # 11. Some of the older Dunhills are great too. The aging helps but primarily they are great because they are wonderful blends that are no longer available or made now with cheaper ingredients. There are a lot of sellers on the web, just look under "vintage tabacco" Of course an 8 oz tin may cost 400.00 but still cheaper than good cigars.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to midstream For This Useful Post:

    vegard_dino (05-13-2008)

  8. #6
    Senior Member
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    Smile thanks....thanks

    Thank you all, great information!

    I will start to store some tobacco, and at the same time seek to find somone who is selling

  9. #7
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    It's mostly the virginias that age nicely. Latakia and burley don't do a whole lot. Perique gets a bit smoother and better integrated, but it's usually used with Virginias so it's hard to say how much change really happens to the perique. I've got some 20+ yr old stuff, I'm working through a can of mid 80's Rattray's Black Mallory ATM. Great stuff.

  10. #8
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    You can find quite a few tins of aged tobacco on ebay. It usually goes for more than I would pay though. Also, Vintage Pipe Tobacco. has a good selection when the site is up and running.

    I don't think my link is good, but the website is

  11. #9
    Senior Member ewanhuzarmie's Avatar
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    Another option is to check what's listed as available at the Online Tobacco Cellar.

  12. #10
    Senior Member fpessanha's Avatar
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    I'm a pipe smoker too. Though, at the moment, I seldom smoke my pipe. I am quite an amateur, but a passionate one nontheless.
    This aged tobacco thing got me wondering... what do you need to do to cellar the tobacco, I mean... how do you store it? You keep it in the pouches it comes in when you buy it or is there a more complex process? And what king of cellar would be necessary? A wine cellar will do? Is there any contraption you need to buy or build to age the tobacco?
    Please, enlighten me! I am very much interest in this...


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