
I am having a pipe now, thinking on what Bruno sad regarding whisky from indeoendent bottlerīs like Cadenheads and Gordon & McPhail, how they have a different taste. They have that old style taste.

They are smaller bottlers of whisky. Well, not "small", but they do make there own style, taste to the whisky. The same goes for smaller makers of beer/ale to. Well, I think so. And, yes, I think also the same regarding pipe tobacco.

I am no tobacco expert, but it is what I think.

Oh, lot of talking, let me get to the point....Is these the same with cigars? Cuban cigars as a exampel, from smaller makers, are they more old in style-taste then the one made of the bigger makers? Is it the same as with beer, pipe tobacco, whisky and so one?

Thanks for all help

Good weekend