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  1. #1
    Member CTnewbie76's Avatar
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    Default Anyone here into vacuum tube audio?

    My ex boss really turned me on to hi-fi audio and I have assembled a really nice vacuum tube stereo over time. The way it reproduces music is just amazing to me - so much closer to live music than I have ever heard with solid state systems. I can sit for hours just listening to music through this system without any fatigue whatsoever.

    Anyone else here into tube audio? What kind of system/speakers do you have?

  2. #2
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CTnewbie76 View Post
    My ex boss really turned me on to hi-fi audio and I have assembled a really nice vacuum tube stereo over time. The way it reproduces music is just amazing to me - so much closer to live music than I have ever heard with solid state systems. I can sit for hours just listening to music through this system without any fatigue whatsoever.

    Anyone else here into tube audio? What kind of system/speakers do you have?

    Do tube amps count? If so, I am a big fan of any old school guitar amps. They are noisier, but sound better than the solid state stuff for sure.

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  4. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I got involved in audio back in the 1970s when tubes were the only things available and I used to build kits. heath, Eico, Dyna were the big names back then in kits. Most of my stuff now is hybrid. Personally most of the tubes now are made in china or Russia or czech and aren't very good. If you do tube rolling and replace the junk that comes with todays equipment, even high end stuff with vintage English or French Tubes the difference is astounding. Like a new pice of equipment.

    For me its just too expensive now. To replace a tube set with good tubes especially a power amp or pre amp can cost a lot of money and every 3 years or so you have to change them out.
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  5. #4
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    ...If you do tube rolling and replace the junk that comes with todays equipment, even high end stuff with vintage English or French Tubes the difference is astounding. Like a new pice of equipment...

    Tube rolling? Is that slang for making/rebuilding tubes or something?

  6. #5
    Lord of Lurkers Presently42's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Kangaroo.

    Quote Originally Posted by joke1176 View Post
    Tube rolling? Is that slang for making/rebuilding tubes or something?
    Tube rolling is the act of changing a tube and replacing it with another tube. The name supposedly is derrived from the action taken to remove and insert a tube.

  7. #6
    Member CTnewbie76's Avatar
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    Yes, I agree that the tubes get expensive. My monoblock amps alone each have 2 300b output tubes, 1 input and 1 driver tube, and 2 rectifier tubes. When you start tube rolling from the factory supplied Russian junk to quality NOS tubes the $$$ add up quick. That said, tube rolling is fantastic. I just love how different tubes can really improve and change the coloration of the sound.

    My system is a single ended triode 300b amp/preamp setup that produces only 12 watts per channel so speaker selection is critical. Even at only 12 watts, the speakers are so sensitive that you really cant turn the volume all the way up.

  8. #7
    Senior Member timberrr59's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Vacuum Tubes for Trade

    I have some American electronic vacuum tubes for trade. I need a shave-ready straight razor. Ugly is OK. Let us make a trade. RRR

  9. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    There aren't too many speakers able to fill a large sized room with sound on 12 watts especially if your into bass heavy stuff.
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  10. #9
    Still Keeping the Cheese
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    Default Horn loaded boys...

    The speakers for that application are Klipsch Heritge boys; pair of Cornwalls and nice SET amp, and you have something very special - I have two pairs CW's, three pairs Heresys, and counting - working up to Klipschorns, best there is...IMHO

    Super efficient, perfect for those tube amps - I have heard osme set-ups that would make you cry.


  11. #10
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    Yes, I would need horns for a big room with my setup but for my small living room a pair of Omega Superhemps work quite nicely.

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