My old mate turned 10 yesterday. Me and him had a little celebration today.
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My old mate turned 10 yesterday. Me and him had a little celebration today.
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Just a little more grey around the muzzle these days Ed. He's a good bloke, and I don't like to think that he's starting to get on in years, because that leads to sadder thoughts that I'm just not ready for yet. :)
Looking good for his age Mick, I kept and bred quite a few litters of Jack Russell working Terriers when I lived on a small hill farm mostly used for hunting Foxes, but there was a small holding below us who kept lots of Ducks and Chickens and that place was a magnet for Rats, my Brother and I would get our small pack together of about 6 or 7 Terriers around dusk when those critters would start moving around and have a great evening of ratting my Terriers loved it, my favourite little Jack Russell whom I called Nan of Twyn she lived for 17 years you know what I didn't have the heart or courage to take her to the vet when the time came I just couldn't Man up and let her go I had to send my Wife and Grandmother I always regret not being able to do that but I just didn't want to leave go.
He may have turned 10 , but Little Mick don't look a day over 3,,,,,,,,,you obviously take great care of him,,,,
Christmas Dinner, sorry you missed it. : )
I hate humanizing animals but that was priceless!
Yeah, the wife had me watch the dog & cat Christmas dinner last night. I think I saw a couple of my relatives.:)
Here is a picture of my Shepherd in a recent hike.
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I didn't know that I had never mentioned his name. It's Chance. His predecessor was Harley. Both good dogs though Harley was aptly named as he went with me everywhere on the bike. Chance is a good dog, but never took to the bike. He's a born and bred 'tin top' lover. I think he might be the last Jack I own though. As good as he is, probably because he is as good as he is and Harley was even better, I just hate the thought of losing him. His mortality is hitting closer to home at this 10 year milestone I guess. I never really gave it too much thought previous to this.