I have shot an XDm and I must say that the only thing I didn't like about it was the stupid grip safety and the chambered warning tab that sticks up waiting to be caught on something. I think that the grip safety is an outdated solution to a non-existent problem personally. Even on old 1911's. As for the chambered warning, if you are the type of person who treats a gun like it isn't chambered ever you shouldn't own a gun. But that is where it ends with that gun.

The thing had a very high "grin" factory when I was shooting it. I was able to empty the magazine (16+1!) in short order and hold it down to get them all in the 9 ring at 50 yards. It's all about the trigger on that pistol, it has one of the quickest trigger resets I have ever experienced and really short trigger travel.

Hope that helps!
