OK, I am looking to rebuild a single coil electric that died when I moved to Sedalia. It's an early 90's Peavey predator, I got from my dad (American made!) and it USED to be awesome.

I have wanted to stick some different pickups, tone switches etc etc in it. Basically a complete rebuild of the electronics.

I have been lookin around for different pickups and frankly...I'm lost. I want some pickups that keep the clear tonality and versatility of low to moderate output pickups. (I have effects pedals for everything, so I don't need really high output pups.)

Lindy Fralin pickups are supposed to be good, but they are too damn expensive for me, since I don't do gigs.

Lace makes some fancy new pickups with supposedly wider and more even response across frequencies... But I have read reviews that they sound thin and flat.

Seymour Duncan, of course, has a bunch of stuff and they are middle of the road re: cost and overall ratings.

I dunno, any suggestions?