over the Christmas break I went shooting with my wife's brother, dad and stepbrother. they don't have any guns so I went ahead and took them. Took 6 handguns. well tonight I finally got around to cleaning them. 4 of them at least. i clean slow, becasue I'm a bit anal about it I guess. anyways, it is always the downside of shooting. and of course nobody that goes shooting with you ever volunteers to help clean them.

So I was sitting here and had a great idea. Next time I'm going to hire somebody else to clean them for me. i.e. there is this really really stunning temp that works for us right now, sweet thing too. I'd much rather pay her 8 bucks an hour to clean them and I just hang out and chat with her, maybe even help with the cleaning. be a damn site better than rock in the background and enjoying Hoppes by myself.

you guys think that's a good idea?

I was pleasantly surprised that despite having hardly shot the last couple of years I am still the same as before (be that good or bad, at least I hit the target where I was trying to most of the time )