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  1. #111
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Semper Fi !


  2. #112
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yes, very cool.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #113
    Member elymz's Avatar
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    Waltham 1894 open face, 220 grade, 15 jewels, 12s from the end of XIX century.

  4. #114
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Semper Fi !


  5. #115
    Member elymz's Avatar
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    Many thanks.

    I admire American high ornaments/ decorations. Especially on the werk and even in the low and middle class. Let's say in every one. Something beauty.

  6. #116
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Remember, during the late 1800s through the mid 1900s The U.S made the best timekeeping devices in the world and the most beautiful.
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    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  7. #117
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    I didn't know that there was a pocket watch thread! I carried one for a few years 'till that ill fated day i let my son look at it in church and he dropped it on the floor. Never did get it fixed because i didn't know where to take it and there were always other things to spend money on. Maybe someday. Anyway, thought you'd like to see it, 17 Jewel Elgin.

    I didn't either until I just saw it. It must have been buried until someone posted and brought it back up front. I love American made pocket watches, especially RR pocket watches because they had more jewels and had to be more precise to keep from accidents happening. Some have gold wheels like the Hamilton 992 has a gold center wheel and the 992B has a gold center wheel from 1940 when they first came out to around 1944. You can look at the center wheel on them and tell the ones from gold and brass. The gold ones will be polished. Others have all gold wheels like Sangamo Special's and Bunn Special's, Bunn and more.
    Last edited by engine46; 03-17-2024 at 11:31 PM.
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  8. #118
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    So what you have there is a Waltham Grade :P.S. Bartlett - 18s - 17j - Model 1883 - Manufactured around 1898. A nice watch especially if it is working condition. What you should do is look for a Horologist on line that should have parts to help you out. The case is brassing quite a bit but that's normal if the watch was carried everyday. Parts are getting harder to find, but they are out there. Good luck!

    I have replaced crystals myself and not the glue in type. Those always come back out. I use an old iron like I did for straightening scales. There's a guy, Daves Watch Parts who i deal with and he has glass crystals. I'll take 3 measurements in thousands of an inch and he will send me the next size larger and i heat the bezel on my iron and I'll have the crystal just sitting on top. Once it heats up (10-15 minutes) , it will fall in and I unplug the iron and let it cool or gently slide the bezel off onto something flat and lay it down somewhere to cool quicker. once cooled it's tight and that's the way they originally put crystals in. A good heat gun may work but the iron works great! Dave even has a picture of a bezel heater on his crystal page. Here's a link to him.
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  9. #119
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    @engine46 many thanks for good word. I bought my Waltham few years ago from Scandinavia. It's in very good shape and keeps time very good. I made a regular service some time ago and now wind up from time to time.

    I know the www site of Dave. He has a very good opinion around the World
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  10. #120
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noelekal View Post
    More watch-y stuff and photographs. Not too many of the pocket watches are photographed here. I ought to do better.

    Here's a neato 1924 Waltham Vanguard with the wind indicator feature and having diamond cap jewels.

    Now frankly, I only barely know what a cap jewel is and what it does, but am informed that this movement has them and in diamond.

    Illinois is my favorite vintage pocket watch brand and I also admire Hamiltons like everyone else. I think I like the Waltham railroad grades about as well as Hamilton though. A few yummy Elgins live here too. I have no rational reasons for my personal tastes which could be subject to change next week.

    Illinois is my favorite vintage pocket watch brand and I also admire Hamiltons like everyone else. I think I like the Waltham railroad grades about as well as Hamilton though. A few yummy Elgins live here too. I have no rational reasons for my personal tastes which could be subject to change next week.
    I have some Waltham's, Illinois, Elgin's, Hamiton's and a few more but most of mine are RR watches. I have an Elgin Grade 494 that has the wind up/down on it but right now, the crystal got broke again. I'm lucky it didn't damage the dial because it's a special dial like on yours. The pic on the bottom is on the Pocket Watch Database. I had it where it wasn't losing a second using my loupe and a watch screwdriver. I love the site because it documents that the watches are indeed mine w/serial number. I don't have all my pocket watches on there but I need to. Actually, you can see most of mine on there if you search my username keywind.

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    Last edited by engine46; 03-18-2024 at 09:44 PM.
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