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  1. #1
    Senior Member The0ctopus's Avatar
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    Default Rare Watches - Commodore

    i was in a store a couple weeks ago, i aw this watch that really caught my eye, it had a red led face, like an alarm clock. after a couple weeks of it being on my breain i finally went up there and grabbed it for 10 bucks.

    when the old guy sold it to me he said that i was an expensive watch.

    turns out its a 200 dollar Commodore watch. a really rare and sought after watch
    i was reading some article jsut now about how they are the gem of a watch collection etc etc.
    commodore watch led, great deals on on eBay!
    see theres only a few workin ones on ebay and tehre expensive.
    ifound a site that ahs them mint in unused condtion, there 200$+

    OHHH and thats not even the best aprt, when i bought it it had no batteries and no guarantee.
    i took it too a jewelry store to have them put the batteries in, he tried, for like half an hour, and came abck and said the cirquits must be fried, the batteries wont work.
    so i just had this feeling... it turns out that The lights dont stay on, the time only displays when u push the button o nthe side, when ur not pushing down the button the watch looks dead.
    so i got the batteries, got them in, and bam! watch lights up like a xmas tree
    Last edited by The0ctopus; 06-27-2009 at 01:28 AM.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, when you say a rare and sought after watch you need to qualify that and say only to those who collect old LED watches exclusively and they make up just about the smallest group of watch collectors out there.

    But like all vintage watches there's always something for everyone. Old LED watches come up on a regular basis on Eboy but you're right that one is unusual in that condition.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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