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  1. #11
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    Is that .50 rifle a Barrett? Really want to try firing a .50, but I'm pretty sure they're illegal in NZ.

  2. #12
    Member jbbushman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mosley59 View Post
    Is that .50 rifle a Barrett? Really want to try firing a .50, but I'm pretty sure they're illegal in NZ.
    Why yes that is and it felt great!

  3. #13
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbbushman View Post
    He saw me taking pictures and felt like doing something and in his case that almost always involves a knife or gun.
    One of those kinds of guys huh?

    I'd love to get my hands on a Barrett

  4. #14
    Senior Member Big Red's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yahoochiewatchie View Post
    Holy ****....its not very gentlemanly is it?! This is what's wrong with the world. Enjoy the life you've chosen..

    I say people like you are what's wrong with the world. gentlemanly? I don't know your definition of gentleman but I don't think I want to be one if it means a snobbish bastard that can't enjoy the funner things in life.

    I see nothing wrong with enjoying a bunch of guns, yes the guy with the knife might be missing some cards in that deck, but as long as you're safe why not enjoy yourselves. people that haven't shot semi-auto/full auto and BIG guns don't appreciate the pure pleasure in it. same people that I'm sure have licenses and drive cars, the world's most prolific and effective weapon currently.

    sorry to side track your thread. I too would LOVE to have a barrett. what a fantastic company.


  5. #15
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    Agree red man

    Guns are a blast if enjoyed safely and obviously these guys are safe and having fun...sweet Cannons...I would love to shoot something like that some day.

  6. #16
    Demon Barber
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    People like me...people against guns...people like me who have had friends murdered (by retards with guns)..are what's wrong with the world?! No, its pointless "sports" and unnecessary promotion of deadly weapons like this that have the world in the state its in!

    As for your car analogy, get off the stage! Cars have a defined useful and practical purpose, guns were invented to kill. What kind of person needs this amount of weaponry..the fact that you refer to them as 'the girls' is pretty sad too, but we're not here to discuss that today..

    Pointing at the sky with a knife...lets not even go into that..

  7. #17
    Senior Member gatorfan's Avatar
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    Now that looks like a fun time.

    It's gettin' way too hot here to do that kinda thing.

    Oh well, thats why indoor ranges make sooooo much money!

    BTW - Ditto to what Big Red said

  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    Let's all cool down and play nice! There's no need to insult anyone to get our point across. Keep it GENTLEMANLY like...
    Having Fun Shaving

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to coachmike For This Useful Post:

    jbbushman (07-01-2009)

  10. #19
    Demon Barber
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    There's no connection between owning a gun and killing somebody with it, and not owning a gun and not shooting anybody. And you would be a fool and a Communist to believe otherwise! Owning a gun implies an intent to commit murder. Make the penalty for ownership fifteen years, and introduce an aggressive stop-and-search campaign in affected areas. I suspect living the "gangsta" lifestyle will become suddenly unfashionable...

  11. #20
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yahoochiewatchie View Post
    There's no connection between owning a gun and killing somebody with it, and not owning a gun and not shooting anybody. And you would be a fool and a Communist to believe otherwise! Owning a gun implies an intent to commit murder. Make the penalty for ownership fifteen years, and introduce an aggressive stop-and-search campaign in affected areas. I suspect living the "gangsta" lifestyle will become suddenly unfashionable...
    Surely you can't be serious in all this?

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Quick Orange For This Useful Post:

    Big Red (07-01-2009)

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