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Thread: Pizza., mmmm

  1. #11
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mosley59 View Post
    Mmmm, I would love some pizza. That said though, it's my turn to make dinner tonight, and I'm going to be feeding my flatmates extremely well tonight - I've stolen my mother's recipe book, and will be making her famous beef stew, with dumplings and mashed potato. I love being a decent cook - means I can eat well for little money.

    mind sharing that recipe? I love a good stew, especially a famous one!

  2. #12
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frankenstein View Post
    +1 on that. Unless you like corn and mayonnaise on it.
    This is a funny story. Back in the 1970s I spent alot of time traveling throughout Japan when I was in the Navy. One weekend I was in Tokyo with a friend and we were having dinner in a little restaurant in the Ginza area and there was this Japanese family sitting at the next table and they were eating some vile looking stuff that I know was supposed to be pizza and they were using chopsticks to eat the stuff.

    We were eating some vile stuff that was supposed to be Chinese Food. We were using knives and forks. We were staring at that family and they were staring at us. It was the funniest thing talk about culture shock. I would have loved to have known what they were saying about us and I'm sure they would have loved to have known what we were saying about them.

    I'm in New Mexico and though you can get edible pizza here it ain't like the stuff in N.Y or Chicago. I usually make my own.
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  3. #13
    Connoisseur of steel Hawkeye5's Avatar
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    My homemade pizza was just consumed. A request from my youngest daughter, now 26, for her birthday. Birthday pizza made by Dad has been a long time happening at my house.
    I only wish they would let me use anchovies.

  4. #14
    Freakin' Ladies Man Hillie's Avatar
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    Having just moved to the CA, I found a cool NY-style (apparently) pizza place along Stevens Creek in San Jose, called A slice of NY as we drove by. Hopped in, picked up a pie and thoroughly enjoyed it. They get all kinds of awards and what not (for what it's worth of course): A Slice of New York - New York pizza in San Jose.

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth spazola's Avatar
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    I love pizza I usually make it about every two weeks or so. Here is a pic of the pie from tonight.

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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Del1r1um View Post

    mind sharing that recipe? I love a good stew, especially a famous one!
    Sorry mate, I'm afraid the recipe would be useless to anyone outside my family, because it doesn't use proper quantities, instead using "a splash", "some", "a wee bit" and other such exact measurements. If you don't know my mother's cooking you won't be able to imagine just how much she uses of each ingredient, just by her amounts given. I imagine her stew recipe is pretty standard anyway (meat, onions, water, splash of vinegar, dash of mixed herbs, and then whatever veges you want to add, seasoned with Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper), she just makes a really nice one and is known for it amongst the extended family, hence the famous part.

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  8. #17
    . Otto's Avatar
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    Mmm pizza.

    The best pizza I’ve ever tasted was at a small family run sidewalk restaurant in Rome. A fantastic pepperoni pizza…

    When I was living in Seattle my favorite pizzeria was Pagliacci. Since they don’t have any Pagliacci stores in Norway, and it’s a bit outside their delivery area, I’ll have to make home made pizza tonight.

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  9. #18
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    Bronx is best! No! New Haven is best! No! The Bronx! New Haven! Bronx! New Haven! Bronx! New Haven! Oh I hate getting into these arguments with myself.

  10. #19
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    There's no Pizza in my mind outside of Brooklyn period....

    DeFarro's ave J and east 15th, he's been there for over 70 years, makes Ray's seem like a joke...

    try it and you will see

  11. #20
    Senior Member jimk's Avatar
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    Mama's Pizza in Tucson, Az. You can by it by the slice and the slice's are huge. You better have your eating face on to eat more then one.

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