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  1. #1
    Member Ramusico's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Mountain Vacation Destination??

    Hi fellas. I am about to finally graduate from college this May. My girlfriend isn't quite done yet but our relationship has made some incredible gains. We have also grown tremendously as people and have dealt with many of our personal issues.

    So I thought it would be fitting that we would take a vacation somewhere in the US to see some beautiful mountainous landscapes. We are Floridans and have never even seen mountains and I would love to find a place that isn't very cold in May, June, July. I would also like to be in an area where there is other things close by like shopping, places to eat, nice bars. My main goal is to just be able to be up high and see the beautiful landscape below.

    Anyone have any suggestions or personal experiences they would like to share??


  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Two places come to mind

    Google them

    Leadville Colorado

    Sandpoint Idaho

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  4. #3
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    My parents moved from S.Florida to western North Carolina (Cullowhee) and love it up there. You should also look at maybe going up to Asheville, NC for the big SRP convention in June!

    I'd head out to Idaho just to see The Glen House.

    EDIT: Here's the thread about the meet with pics of the event last year. First weekend in June.

  5. #4
    Tonsorial artist detroyt's Avatar
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    Death valley, Monument valley, Bryce canyon, Grand canyon and arches just to name a few. If your persistent you can drive from one to another and see everything you want to see in a week.

    Personally I would suggest checking out Sequoia national park if you get a chance, its absolutely beautiful and IMO a great place to take your lady.

    If your looking for something more Midwest the Smokey Mountains are a great place to visit and you can get a cabin without shelling out too much money.

    What do you intend to do while your on your trip hiking fishing camping or simply just want something pretty to look at?

  6. #5
    Senior Member jimmyfingers's Avatar
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    are you looking to fly or drive?

    Helen, Ga has some nice mountains if you want to drive. They have some real good deals on little houses that you rent that are up on the mountain. PM me if you want some more info, I also have some codes for specials that they always email me

  7. #6
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I happen to like the ADK High Peaks, but those are small mountains compared to what you can find elsewhere. Great downhill biking on Whiteface and Gore, cross country biking at Mt Van Hoevenberg (that's prolly spelled wrong), and Lake Placid is nearby too. Naturally, there is great hiking too (how many of the 46ers can you bag during your one trip?).

  8. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Santa Fe New Mexico, Taos, New Mexico and all of Northern New Mexico really.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  9. #8
    Member Ramusico's Avatar
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    GReat suggestions guys! Sequoia looks soo nice.

    I would prefer to drive. But flying is an option. Low price is also a plus! Thanks guys

  10. #9
    Senior Member rickboone's Avatar
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    There's nice mountains and mountain areas just north of you in North Carolina, Maggie Valley and on up into Tennessee areas. The Smokeys and the Blue Ridge Mountains. Asheville, NC sticks out as being a pretty place.

    However, if you want REAL mountains, you will want to head out west to the Rockies, the Unitas and the Grand Tetons. While you're at it head on into Zion National Park and Red Rock country.

  11. #10
    "My words are of iron..."
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    The Four Corners area of Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. Settle in for a few days and you have lots to do in all directions within easy reach.

    The Wind River Range of Wyoming starting from Lander drift west to Gros Vent then the Tetons.

    Truly the best piece of hard rock I've seen personally is the Yellowstone Park road out through the East Gate then out and down to Cody.
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