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  1. #1
    Steel crazy after all these years RayG's Avatar
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    Default Anyone Listen to Vinyl?

    With the penchant of folks here for the old and traditional, I wonder who here listens to vinyl LP's - whether still listening or discovering it for the first time (we do have quite a few young members).

    I grew up on vinyl, but since CD's came out in the 80's, followed by MP3's, I am just recently rediscovering it. I have forgotten how I love the warm analog sound.

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  3. #2
    Born a Hundred Years Too Late aroliver59's Avatar
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    Brings me back to my youth too,Ray!I've still got 20 or so LP's somewhere.Sure would like to get another turntable again and listen to them.

  4. #3
    Steel crazy after all these years RayG's Avatar
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    Alan, I was lucky to find an actual brick and mortar store locally that not only sells used records, but also refurbished vintage turntables! The owner says he has been selling quite a few of them, many to young people in their 20's. Seems vinyl is making a comeback!

    Can't wait for it to warm up - I'm going to be eyeing those yard sales.

  5. #4
    Seudo Intellectual Lazarus's Avatar
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    I added vinyl back into my listening system about two years ago. Luckily I had kept about 800 of my favorite albums back when I made the switch to digital. Just about everybody at my house who does an A-B comaprison between CDs and vinyl prefers the sound of vinyl. With vinyl there just isn't the "listener fatigue" that you get from a long session with digital.

  6. #5
    Member fleetwood's Avatar
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    Default LPs

    Hey Ray,
    I grew up with on vinyl, though I remember it vanishing pretty quickly when eight tracks came along. I've been collecting vinyl for many years and you are so right. Nothing sounds as smooth as an analog system playing an amazing record. Except maybe the sound of my le grelot. That's pretty smooth too.

  7. #6
    okie from Muskogee shaver wheelz74401's Avatar
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    I have about 100 of LP's mostly 70 rock alot of kiss and a old sixties cabinet radio and turn table and most of my neighbors hate me for it

  8. #7
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    I have many records in classical, jazz and rock. There is nothing better than listening to vinyl through tube amp and preamp (heck, I even have a cd player with a tube back end!). At present my need is a better turntable and needle. <sigh> I am constantly looking at Audiogon and wish that I could afford a nicer turntable.

    .....perhaps by Christmas.......

  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    I used to have a bunch of vinyl and still have my Technics turntable outfitted with an Ortofon MC3 Turbo moving coil cartridge. I sold off most of my albums to fund my razor hobby since I just was not listening to them as much as when I was single and childless.

    I agree with you 100% the sound is great and warm. I'd take the warmth of vinyl through good speakers and a good cartridge even with some pops and cracks any day over digital recordings.

    I also have four Klipsch kg2.2 bookshelf speakers and I just don't use them much anymore. The pull of HAD and RAD is strong and I've found myself casually searching for a box large enough to sell off a pair of the speakers on Ebay, the turntable, etc.

    Who knows.

    I certainly do have many good memories listening to albums with friends.

    Chris L
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  10. #9
    Steel crazy after all these years RayG's Avatar
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    I just recently picked up a mint pair of Klipsch Forte II's, locally via Craigslist. That was a great find.

    Yah, tubes. I have a tube headphone amp, which I love. The prices for tube speaker amps are just insane, though.

  11. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I would never buy anything with tubes anymore and my Tuner, CD player and Preamp are all hybrid. The fact is the tubes available thesedays are all garbage. The vintage tubes are going through the roof in price and some you can't even find at any price. If you are listening to a tube rig with those Russian Tubes you have no idea what your equipment can really sound like.

    I have always used vinyl as my go to listening medium. If you have good digital equipment the digital can come very close to vinyl but no cigar.
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