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Thread: Meerschaums

  1. #1
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    Default Meerschaums

    I've just found a large collection of used (lightly) meerschaums being sold off piece by piece for a reasonable price on TradeMe (the New Zealand version of EBay). There's at least 3 in a shape and style that I like, however I wondered if any people on here had experience with meerschaums and could tell me whether it's worth buying one or not.

    Specifically, I'm curious with regards to:
    -ease of care (are they sturdy and resistant to chipping? Will reaming them hard result in major damage to the inside of the bowl?)
    -ease of smoking (do they go out more or less than a briar or corncob?),
    -ease of handling (I've been told you should hold them in leather when using them, to prevent skin oils from colouring them unevenly, and to protect against the heat - is it true they get very hot, and is the leather necessary or just one of those optional affectations?).

    I realise these answers will vary pipe to pipe, but I'm after a broader picture (i.e general answers for the majority of meerschaums, rather than regarding a specific style or maker of pipes), since I hope to buy at least 2 of these pipes to add to my collection. Many thanks to any gents who can help me out with information by Tuesday (when the items in question close).
    Last edited by mosley59; 03-14-2010 at 11:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member janivar123's Avatar
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    holding the merschaum while hot will leave black/brown fingerprints
    these will go soft if you smoke them wet(dont ask how i know)
    as long as you ream a little at the time it should be fine(its chalk bacicly and dont stretch)
    chipping is more common if tapping the pipe to hard
    Ease of smoking depend on construction(maybe somwhere between corn and briar if its good)

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  4. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Its a natural substance and its pretty light and soft and porous so staining would be a problem as would cracking as you work it. Most of it is mined in Turkey. As I recall the mineral is Sepiolite and its a clay mineral.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mosley59 View Post
    I've just found a large collection of used (lightly) meerschaums being sold off piece by piece for a reasonable price on TradeMe (the New Zealand version of EBay). There's at least 3 in a shape and style that I like, however I wondered if any people on here had experience with meerschaums and could tell me whether it's worth buying one or not.

    Specifically, I'm curious with regards to:
    -ease of care (are they sturdy and resistant to chipping? Will reaming them hard result in major damage to the inside of the bowl?)
    -ease of smoking (do they go out more or less than a briar or corncob?),
    -ease of handling (I've been told you should hold them in leather when using them, to prevent skin oils from colouring them unevenly, and to protect against the heat - is it true they get very hot, and is the leather necessary or just one of those optional affectations?).

    I realise these answers will vary pipe to pipe, but I'm after a broader picture (i.e general answers for the majority of meerschaums, rather than regarding a specific style or maker of pipes), since I hope to buy at least 2 of these pipes to add to my collection. Many thanks to any gents who can help me out with information by Tuesday (when the items in question close).
    They are fragile but they have a serious following.

    With time they will get honey colored or darker.

    A shopkeeper never touches them, this is where the glove thing
    starts. An owner can as his fingerprints will even out over time
    although a new pipe will commonly be smoked with a cotton glove
    for some time by some smokers. When it begins to glow with
    color most users relax the glove bit.

    Be gentle with pipe tools and be gentle knocking the ash out
    so you do not chip or crack it. In fact don't knock it....

    If the price and carving is excellent to your eye go for it.

  6. #5
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    They surely are beautiful, but I'm not pretentious enough to smoke my pipes with a glove on

    They're really something though when they turn colors though

  7. #6
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    I have a couple of them. I really like smoking them. They are light. Look good and color up nicely over time. But if your going to buy one make sure that it is carved from block Meerschaum and not pressed. I have been told that over time pressed pipes can develop cracks more easily.

  8. #7
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I have two. The first one I don't really like just because I don't like that shape (relatively large bowl and straight stem - not my thing). The second is a really nice lattice bowl in a claw (yes, I know, cliche), and that one cracked. Never got around to sending it for a replacement. I'd say if they are second hand and haven't cracked yet, they probably won't.

    I try not to touch the bowls at all - I hold them by the stem while smoking and when I put them away they get wrapped in a clean microfiber cloth or go in their respective cases.

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