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Thread: Any Jeepers out there?

  1. #1
    Member TJoshX's Avatar
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    Default Any Jeepers out there?

    Greetings Gents,

    Before I entered the world of Straight Razor Shaving this past Christmas I engulfed myself in another hobby (Jeeps) whos obsessiveness I never thought could be rivaled... Haha, now I have two lovely ladies fighting over me and my time constantly, and boy is it nice!

    Anyways, I'm just curious if anyone here is into the Jeepin' or off road scene, where you guys are from and the Specs on your rigs?

    I've got a 2002 Jeep Wrangler X- manual 4.0 that was completely stock when I first got her. 3 years ago, since that time I've installed a 2inch BDS suspension, 1 inch JKS Body and Motor Mount Lift, JKS Quicker Discos, Regeared to 4.56s, Currie HD Steering Upgrade, Running 33x12.50 Mickey Thompsons, Bestop Front/Rear Bumpers, A to Z Fab Rocker guards w/Tube, Xenon Flat Flares, Delta Quadbar Headlights w/FatBoy II Bulbs and ARB Wiring Harness, Winshield Mounted KC Driving Lights, Custom Tail Light Covers, T-6 Aluminum Grill Inserts, and a sound system...

    Future Mods include replacing my control arms with adjustables, Upgrading my axels to Superior Kits, Upgrading the tires to 35x12.50 Cooper Discover STTs (Had htese when I ran 31's... LOVED Them!), and getting a Tummy Tuck and Ga Tank Skid from Savvy Offroad (These Boys do armor right- Aircraft Grade Aluminum is strong as steel and a fraction of the weight!).

    Anyways, hopefully some of you understand what I'm shouting here, and for those who don't, well... It's a Jeep Thing!

    Here's some before and after pics...



  2. #2
    Member TJoshX's Avatar
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    Some Pics Continued...

    Silly Hummers! Haha

  3. #3
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I do like Wranglers... does that count? If I had the money to do it as a sport, I would, but I don't so I don't.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    That is very cool. Looks like great fun. I do stuff in the woods but on a bicycle. I've always wanted a Jeep but haven't gotten one yet. One of these days maybe ....... if I could just quit buying razors and hones.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Josh-While I'm not "into" Jeeps like you, I do have a 99 Grand Cherokee that I've taken into some pretty wild places in Wyoming, Montana, and my own NC mountains on fishing/backpacking trips. At 175,000 miles, it's getting on up there, and seems to plague me constantly with electrical problems. Still, the high clearance and 4wd have gotten me there and back over some pretty dicey "roads." I'd love to have a Wrangler set up like that!
    There are many roads to sharp.

  6. #6
    Member TJoshX's Avatar
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    I absolutely love my Jeep and taking her out and "making my own roads". Building her up has been a ton of fun!

    I'm a bit sad though because every summer I do some form of major upgrade to her however I feel I might be taking this summer off, on the flip side though I am happy because my reason for maybe not doing a major upgrade this summer is a result of a sever Razor and Soap/Cream AD I have been on the past couple months haha... a RAD which aquired me an NOS Fili DT 14, an NOS Palmera 14, NOS 6/8 Gotta 120 Spike Point, and an Otto Hans Deutch



  7. #7
    Senior Member heelerau's Avatar
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    I did have a 1979 Jeep Cherokee for years, 360amc on gas which I had overhauled at great expense, let it go a couple of years ago, but we have fallen in love with the 4 door Wrangler, which I hope to get in a couple of years to replace my ancient F250 which pulls my 4 horse goose. We currently have a 2009 PT GT Cruiser, second one and ver happy with it. Do like most of the Chrysler range.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Landrovers and Rangerovers are the most popular off-roaders in the UK. I've owned a couple of Landrovers (Series II & IIA). I like the original Willys Jeep. I'm not really a fan of the newer off-roaders.
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  9. #9
    Shave Ready 44Whiskas's Avatar
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    I have a sahara jk and until some money can magically appear will most likely remain a street crawler - at some point I want to replace the front axle w/a Dana 44 and bump it up 3" w/some 33's. maybe improve on the suspension as well....heck right now I'd settle for custom gas cover

    yours is sweet with the mods!


  10. #10
    JMS is offline
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