Ditto....I've just been working the candle at both ends lately is all.
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Pipe on the early evening walk with doggies. Erinmores from Barling.
There are about a dozen different woodpeckers in Minnesota. My picture is of a Pileated woodpecker. They mark their territory with loud drumming and that is how I knew to look at the top of the light pole.:) When I was younger it was a big event to see one. Now they seem much more common.
More 5 O'clock in a Nording.
Attachment 197603
Capri stab stem free hand half full of Capstan flake.
Wessex Gold Va Flake, in a Milano.
Attachment 197741
Got my desk halfway cleaned up this morning. I can even see some of the desktop now!!! Among other things I found was a partial pouch of Captain Black dark. I found my CB cob and had a bowl. I found out I still don't like it.:rofl2:
So guys, I'm still a big newb with the pipe, but I just came to new realization and must share. When I came to pipe for the first time I remembered old-timers in my family smoking vanilla scented tobacco, so I started off with Mac Baren Vanilla, from there I jumped into many aromatics from Peterson... Gold, Luxury Blend, and Connoisseur's Choice. Then a guy at my local pipe shop suggested I try Presbyterian Mixture.... I smelled it and thought 'oh god, that is rank foul smelling stuff'. However, when I lit my pipe with it, it really is a wonderful blend... no aromatic, but wow, it's just a great smoke... nice flavor and smooth. I've been now smoking Dunhill Nightcap and I love it! I find it's very similar in terms of taste, but just a little stronger... enough that the Presbyterian now seems a bit weak to me. I guess I'm starting to enjoy the English blends more. My 3 favorites at the moment are:
1) Peterson Gold Blend.... I love this aromatic... light on the flavouring, but a beautiful blend
2) Dunhill Nightcap... similar to Presbyterian, but with more kick!
3) Mac Baren HH Acadian Perique.... for a non-aromatic this is chock full of flavour.... seems to have a taste of plum casing, but it says it is not, and I love the perique pepper kick
this is becoming my favorite 'manly' hobby, maybe even more than SR shaving (but not by much ;) Time to start growing a mustache, I think lol