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My day off and took a break from a house project that I've been doing for the last month and went to the range.
Brought a Castello that I never really liked all that well, but it smoked very nicely today. Have to keep it out a few days and re-access it.
75 rounds at 25 yards off hand with my Less Baer PII in .45 acp.
25 yards really shows your little errors.
Porch sitting with a Capri stab stem with a half bowl of Dunhill Flake burning. Nice pipe AND 1911 apipeguy.
good shooting. I cant hit much with a pistol. I use to shoot air rifle and air pistol.....not the kids ones. I was very good at air rifle. I just shoot skeet and trap these days with a little 5 stand. The trap season just ended for me . I won some money even at the final shoot. Lewis system if you don't win you didn't shoot good enough or bad enough. Skeet is more my game, I have a group of guys we meet on Saturday morning and shoot 3 rounds. fun fun.
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Well after many years of enjoying cigars and a couple of false starts with a crappy Dr. Grabow pipe. I decided to buy a hopefully decent first real pipe from my local tobacconist, and think deep smokey thoughts with the folks in this thread. Since R.A.D and H.A.D have been under control for a bit, time to start P.A.D maybe.
I hope I made a good choice for a noob. Attachment 210655
Peterson 2013 Christmas 68 smooth fishtail.
Smokes very nice. I tried something called Gentleman's blend from a nice tobacco shop in Ridgewood, NJ
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Another day off and back to work on my outside project, sanding the entire east side of my house. Should finish that part next week, about a month or more into it.
My outdoors work pipe a Castello Collection and my outside work lighter and Old Boy briar.
They should clean up pretty good when I'm done, they always have.
Wearing a lead rated respirator when sanding, smoke when I'm not.
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New blliard with dark wallnut ring and 2 horn rings . Military , delrin insert in the shank for strenght .
Outstanding job Rusen. I like it.
Very nice pipe. Like the military bit.
I see the tin of Royal Yacht. I used to smoke Dunhill 965 almost exclusively but stopped maybe mid 90's when they changed companies making their tobacco and I felt the quality suffered. Still have a 100 gm. tin of 965 from 1992 that I'm saving for my second retirement. Just curious about your thoughts of their current tobaccos.
I realize this question being subjective and all, but what are some of the really great pipe tobaccos that one just must try?
What type of tobacco do you like most: Aromatics, English, Virginia, Virginia Perique mixes, Scottish, Balkans, Burleys?